Cant wait till TBC

…just… yuck…

Idk how anyone enjoys tbc or wotlk arena it was so slow and unbalanced.

kidney resists, mace stuns

its the member berries

looks like you can actually see wtf is going on and make actual thoughtful plays instead of yoloing literally everything but the rng stuns look whack af

exactly but yea the rng stuff is there but whatever u know still better than shadow

if it was slower than shadowlands but faster than what this video is I think it would be perfect

The thing I’m most excited for about BC is the waves of complaint posts about:

Mana drains, mace stuns, r Druids, mana drains, unkillable locks, rogue stun drs, mortal strike being 50%, mana drains, double healer teams, mana drains.

You can so obviously tell people who never played BC lol.


ur gonna get farmed

Bookmarking this thread for when you cry on TBC forums about TBC pvp.

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You think I’m playing BC lol? Been there, it is nostalgic and nothing more.

TBC was the perfect expansion. It took the rough Vanilla and perfected it. Best PvP and best PvE. Just a great game and time.

Using this word with reckless abandon I see.

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mm i already play on p servers so yea theres some bs but i dont complain cuz at least its fun

Nope, I used it properly.

Yeah I can’t wait either, game play looks really fun and anything beats the WoD - SL era of arena.

If you like slow PvP with balance waaaaaay worse than what we have right now you’ll love TBC.

at least ther isnt no brain instant cast button button smahs mash 1 shot kill yolo

No thats pally

Ok safe to heal, I got both the kicks.

Rng mace stun

Druid just ate a huge cc chain, guy is at 20%!!!

Swiftmend>>> full hp

Dont get me wrong its fun, but there are still a lot of infuriating things that happen.