Well I guess we can timewalk 5x time for a piece of normal raid gear. Guess im doing that until this gets fixed /cackle
If it makes sense, it’s wrong.
It was so much fun to do the storm with the people there just to get the core and the sigils. I will miss running around and (and running from). Sometimes I will come play just to do the storms… What a waste of time now. I got some of the 359 just so I can get the second upgrade. Is disappointing. Not every player does PvP and such to get nice gear.
It was bugged, the upgrade wasn’t consuming the storm sigils. So I’d guess they just turned it off and didn’t bother to say anything?
“Ion tons of casual’s are gearing up via primal storms into 385 gears…What do we do?”
Everything is about this.
Yep, this is it.
Yesterday after the change you basically had unlimited sigils and could upgrade any gear for free since the new UI didn’t actually consume your sigils when upgrading.
They should definitely make a post somewhere letting folks know what happened and that upgrades have been disabled until they can fix it.
Mine was not and cannot be upgraded, 4 pieces acquired before the smelly bandaid Blizz calls a “patch”.
Yeah it was so fun! Can’t believe they’re killing content this early on an expansion.
Do they want us to keep playing the game or not?
ROTFL!!! that was not only funny but true.
can confirm - I bought a new piece of gear, today, after the patch, with Elemental Overflow, and was unable to upgrade it at the old NPC or the upgrade NPC. The same message “this item is no longer upgradable” even though it clearly has a 1/2 ranking and was bought today.
Posting/bumping on this thread because we all know submitting a bug ticket is impossible and would receive no response anyway.
Looks like it was bug as I can now upgrade my storm pieces to 385 and then from there to Tier pieces. They must of slipped in a hotfix when we weren’t looking