Cant tame Anzu?

wait. since when is this tamable??

I probably shouldn’t have found this as funny as I did.


Blizzard put out a hotfix a couple days ago that made Blaithe and Anzu tamable. Blaithe can be tamed with no issue, but Anzu is not working for some reason.

damn. suck that i already completed the quest. thx for the info

I have the quest saved just for this. If you really want him hit me up and I’ll help you get him.

Find someone questing through WOD, and party sync with them?

Party sync lets you redo quests.

thx but i will be fine. just wanted it to match my mount :stuck_out_tongue:

always forget about party sync.

It’s a new feature so I’m not surprised. :slight_smile:

Thankfully it helps in cases like this.

You’re probably like me with a lot of weird cousins.

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Since the hotfix a few days ago.

I am unable to post links, but Petopia has put out several new pets hunters can tame for 8.3, Might want to check it out.

Here is the link for you.

Thank you for posting, I’m a lowly grunt poster with no abilities yet. lol ( couldn’t even quote your entire post to post this comment b/c of the link hahahaha!!!) :upside_down_face: :rofl:

yeah checked earlier to see what new pet was tamable.

If you haven’t done the Hyjal quest line up to the point of getting the whistle to call Blaithe then you can do that quest line and tame him. However, if your hunter has already progressed beyond this point then you won’t be able to get him–UNLESS you have an alt on another account or a friend who is, or can get to, that point in the questline. I used an alt. When the alt called Blaithe he was so busy attacking the alt that I couldn’t tame him. The alt had to run away. Blaithe chased her but eventually came back to the nest and I was able to tame him. One other thing I found was that at first my alt went to the nearest nest after receiving the quest. At that nest I found that we phased out from each other. I couldn’t see the alt and the alt couldn’t see me. She called Blaithe but I couldn’t see him. We then tried the furthest nest away and that worked. The nest I used was at 49.3, 41.6. Edit–I then sent my other hunter alts from different realms and factions and they were all able to tame Blaithe when my one alt called him.

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so they made were most ppl can’t tame this pet. that suck. they should just make anzu has a tame able pet. it still show u can tame it. when u use your spell beast lore.

Weird Bug: If you tame two of these, and use the second with Animal Companion; it will float above the ground several feet, and use swim animations to run, and float animations when idle.

Sorry for the necro but just Confirmed you can get the alternate version Blithe in Hyjal using an alt without level sync or multiple accounts.


  1. Have your alt, in my case my rogue get to the quest.

  2. Go to group finder on your hunter and create a group name it something easy like mmm

  3. Swap back to your alt and find the group an apply

  4. Log back onto the hunter and invite, go back to alt to accept (convoluted I know).

  5. IMPORTANT WARNING! The NEST you use is important due to Phasing issues.
    I Used the nest located at (49.79, 41.59)

  6. Have your alt summon the bird, then either jump off the mountain, run away, or in my rogue’s case just vanish. This will reset him allowing for a tame.

  7. Quickly log off and onto your hunter.

It worked for me hope this help you.


I’m interested if you have that quest line saved

Sometimes it may also be that you have too many pets. Go put one back in the stable and try again.