Can't play any queueable content

Everytime i queue for something and join in my game lags out.

I joined a BG on my priest, got stuck at 75% load in, I closed and reopened my client 5 times before it let me into the BG then everything was lagged out. I could run and talk but none of my abilities would work, everyone was running in place, i couldn’t log out or exit the game without force closing. chat was still working. My world MS was 0, home MS at 47.

I switched to my mage and tried to do a LFR run. Load screen took about 3mins to load me in and i had the same problems as the BG. I can’t even log into my mage now. He’s stuck in an eternal load screen for Azshara’s palace.

I was leveling a lowbie about 3 hours ago and didn’t have any of these problems. This started about 30 mins ago.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: 8/19 - Stuck at Logging in to game server