Can't keep a good elf down! *Spoilers* Elisande

I get the feeling Danuser made that explanation up on the spot and hadn’t considered it before that question.


I feel the same way of the “only one burning Legion across time and space” explanation of why the Mannoroth, Archimonde etc we fight in WoD are the same ones that died during the Third War.

Although that does not make much sense when you remember that Archimonde was once a mortal, not a demon. Likewise with Socrethar. So what happened to AU Archimonde in WoD’s timeline? We have an AU Velen, so logically there should be an AU Archimonde and Kil’jaeden.


…and an AU Sargeras who’s still freely roaming the AU.

The rope analogy is not the best, and to make the idea of every you merging you basically need to introduce the concept of an oversoul. So, time to break out the transcendentalism!

To that end, I suggest one consider a river instead: They all might wind into entirely different places and look radically different, but they all reach the sea—Your oversoul—eventually. Then? They are all the same thing.


The only reason she should come back is so we can farm her for that mother of a hat as a gaudy transmog piece.


I couldn’t disagree more. Having AU characters is way too confusing.

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Since he is canonically dead, I would like him to stay in the Shadowlands.

May she return to rule us!

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