Can't enable XMP

Or, another alternative is don’t respond and don’t read :man_shrugging:

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I just made a thread on the website bugs board and the general discussion board regarding ignoring. Some people already responded saying this feature will be added back at a later date and was perhaps unintentionally removed. You might be interested in some of the responses:

Edit: Someone helped me figure out how to ignore anyone I want using custom CSS scripts. That’s in the general discussion thread. So. Stoked. Right. Now.

I never made any claims other than you don’t seem to understand anything other than hyperbole.

Best if you learn how to read graphs first:

i.imgur . com/SJz416s . png

WoW no longer works the way your troll friends on this forum think it does.

You, trying to educate me, on how MacOS works? Kiddo, i’ve been using MacOS since you were in diapers.

… lulz.

And this has… what to do with Windows again?

Oh, nothing?


ANOTHER attempt to move the goalposts and try to make yourself look correct.

You still aren’t

ANOTHER post that DOESN’T prove what you’re trying to assert.

The amount of desperation here is comical.

Oh, and all that “better multicore support” (because of Grand Central) …

Doesn’t translate into better performance. Ever. In fact, the OSX client is absymal in terms of performance on the same hardware.

Because its just shifting the active thread from one core to another.

Holy christo are you dumb.


Totally serious, here.

Seek help. Professional help. You need it. Ive known schizophrenics who are more in touch with reality than you.

This has what to do with WoW you mean? The WoW client is the same on Windoze as it is on Linux kiddo. lulz

Wow itself is multi-threaded. Keep counting the graphs, you should be able to count it one day.