Can't Complete Gilneas Zone Quest

Stuck on Stormrage, was there with a couple other people, they left though. hopefully they fix this ASAP.


Just managed to grab the quest, which is by no means fixed, I just happened to be fast enough. When turning in the quest ‘The Hunt for Sylvanas’ you have just a split second to pick up the second one, which luckily just means clicking the ‘complete quest’ button twice very quickly. I was then able to share this quest with my party members. Again this quest is not fixed, but if somebody is able to click quick enough then they can grab the quest and share it with others. Temp fix at best, Still need a perm solution.


i just found someone about to turn in previous so if they dont get locked illl put it to the test

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Bump BIizzardddddddddddd

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so negative on the share they got stuck too, we traveled north towards the wall to see if we could leave the zone and we are locked in tried swiming around and invis walled lol

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Stuck here with a group on Dalaran as well. We also got stuck on the Battle for Gilneas before this. I’m so glad I got this new model so i could just sit and stare at it all day…


blizz fix it please!

I don’t know what to expect from BIizz anymore :frowning:

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UPDATE: so we were all waiting and i decided to put in a ticket. Everyone else that had been waiting left. i finished my ticket, and there she was. Don’t know what happened or why, but yeah.


The quest is available now on Lightbringer!! Hope it’s fixed for all other servers too!

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