Make sure y’all are posting in Bug Reports to add to the list so they know it’s a bunch of people.
same same. Addons not the problem
same for me, yes, ditto
still happening to me. ive re-accepted the quest 3 times now and have done probably 6 tw dungeons, but after i finish them i realize the quest is gone.
Same here Blizzard fix please!!! like now
Blizzard should fix this issue fast and credit the completion to us, I have done 7 TW dungeons and not a single one counted towards it, because it goes back to 0 as soon as you leave the dungeon.
I’m having the same issue. This is so frustrating
My priest was able to do the TW quests no problem. Evoker is unable to do it. Same issue. I have the quest in my log, zone into a dungeon and immediately get asked to accept the TW quest again. Even if I do, it does not give me credit and the cycle repeats.
same issue.
Just did three out of five dungeons before I noticed this happening.
Same, its happening on 2 of my characters.
still happening for me: quest accepted, join tw dungeon, finish the run, leave instance, and poof quest is gone as well as credit for the run.
This is causing my ocd to go crazy. XD
Still its is irritating.
Confirmed and I think I know the problem. There are two quest givers this week that give the same OPTT quest (at least on horde side this is how it goes), one in Orgrimmar and another at the 20th Celebration event (Caverns of Time for horde). If you take the quest from the NPC in Org and then again from the NPC at CoT that is where it bugs out. I
I was able to go directly to the quest giver outside CoT with my alt and had no issues. Skip that NPC in Org (or SW if alliance).
Same problem, Jan 2, 2025. drops the quest as soon as i leave from outside Caverns of Time. very frustrating.
how is blizz still blind to this, this has been such a waste of time. they need to credit us the completed dungeons.
Same problem. I was able to complete it on a fresh character though.
Thank God I was starting to wonder if it was just me
I didn’t pick up the quest at all but accepted the auto-pop from joining a Random Timewalking. After a couple of those quests went poof as I exited the instances I picked it up from the CoT quest giver and joining a Random Timewalking seemed to automatically abandon it.
Just so everyone knows, it is made aware.