Can't believe you people

I hope the tree looks like Elothir, he had those bright leaves around his face and runes in his bark that would glow in the dark.


Cmon man… Branch out.

(I wanted the book)

I wanted all 4 of the mounts lol.


I voted for all of them, because there is no reason to not have all of them.

Yeah, Yggdrasil has been holding they sky up for so long.

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Tome would have been the perfect mage mount, instead of the flying hubcap.

Sorry I want either the cat or caterpillar to =(

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I voted for the wriggly boi. I LOVE Caterpillars.

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You’re just Jelly. Goocat FTW!

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What do you mean WOOD people

I’ll bark myself out

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Caterpillar is the best option imo, but the Nerubian was a close second. The book is just gonna be like mage class mount so it’s extremely unappealing to me. Slime cat while being super cute, will be another saber mount. Not entirely against it tho cause it is cute. I am so vehemently against the tree tho it isnt even funny.

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don’t you think they can make all of them i mean they always copy the movement of something else in the game with any mount just add a look done

Yep. Now you know how many lame prepubescent kids dictate the direction of this game.

Don’t blame me, I chose the caterpillar too.

Just imagine flying into battle, the Reading Rainbow theme plays, and Levar Burton narrates all the action.


I’m down to have a march of the last Ents.

I voted for the Nerubian, but was very tempted to vote for the caterpillar. (Just like spiders more, sorry.)

I know, right?

Spell book is pretty unusual.

The saber is the only want that is cool