Can't access "Contact Support" or "Shop"

I’m in the same boat as you, but I don’t think a tech coming out would help. Probably a larger issue with them.

Hi guys, sadly I’ve been trying to load into SHOP for a week. My hearthstone has been crashing and now it’s unloadable. Battlenet is now unloadable. I’ve made NO changes in years so NO idea what is happening

It is 100% an internet issue. If you have a VPN with selectable exit nodes you can easily verify, just set your exit to anywhere outside Texas. Seattle, Los Vegas, wherever. Voila, problem goes away.

I’m using PIA, it’s relatively cheap and the ping is higher than I used to get but workable. I’ll be switching internet provider ASAP as Grande Comm doesn’t seem interested in fixing this and we aren’t getting any blue updates here.

Hey all,

Just stopping by to let you know that we’re still investigating this and gathering information. Please keep in mind that this issue is specific to issues accessing the Shop or Support site. If you are experiencing latency in the game, please create your own thread so that the thread stays focused.

  • Traceroute steps:
  1. Click Start . Windows 8® users start on step 2.
  2. In the search field, type cmd .
  3. Right-click on CMD.exe and select Run as Administrator .
  4. Enter the command tracert > c:\tracert.txt and press Enter .
  5. Allow several minutes for the traceroute to complete. When you see a new line of text in the command prompt, the traceroute is done. This creates a file on your C: drive called tracert.txt .
    Note: If you receive an error, you did not run the command prompt in Administrator Mode. Go back to step three and try again.
  6. Close the command window.
  • Pathping Steps:
  1. Click Start .
  2. In the search field, type cmd.
  3. Right-click on CMD.exe and select Run as Administrator .
  4. Enter the command pathping > c:\pathping.txt and press Enter .
  5. Allow several minutes for the test to complete. When you see a new line of text in the command prompt, the pathping is done. This creates a file on your C: drive called pathping.txt .
    Note: If you receive an error, you did not run the command prompt in Administrator Mode. Go back to step three and try again.
  6. Close the command window.

Thank you Lantrasau. Keep us posted and keep up the good work!

But it also was effecting gameplay with huge lag and latency issues prior to not having access to the site or shop… it is all tied together. Just an fyi

Yes, its along with the low home high world ms.

Yep, I’ve been having a lot of issues in game and the tier 3 tech I talked to said to watch this thread for my in game issue for any update. But maybe that’s just because I have Grande Communications like the blue mentioned up above.

If a GM said to watch this thread then I’m super glad to have created it. I hope we all get help soon :slight_smile:

I have made no progress as of yet with anything I am trying to do so remotely since out of town… I don’t understand how come they can’t just work with each other to solve and make both customer bases happy!! All I get from either is we are “gathering information “.

They prolly are working together. “Good things come to those who wait.”

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You have more faith by far than me… I have tried to talk with both companies and we are still at gathering information stages by both… but neither mind taking my money for a service neither are currently providing.

Thank you, everyone! Gathering information like this is a vital part of pinpointing where the issue is. It’s a frustrating and complicated issue as the connection tests are pointing to a peering network issue. There have been reports of latency spikes for others running into the peering nodes.

We are aware of where the general issue is and will continue to follow up with updates when available. For the moment, a VPN or mobile hotspot will working around the issue. Thank you for your patience!


2 days of extreme lag. Unable to submit a ticket or contact support through Missed out on Mythic raiding tonight. My ISP is Nextlink. Their office is in Hudson Oaks, Texas. I talked with them tonight. They said 90% of their calls tonight were because of Warcraft. They said the problem was not on their end.

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Thanks for the update. I hope you guys can get this figured out soon.

Any progress ???

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Still seem to be experiencing lag, but its better than it has been so far.

Same thing is happening to me with CableOne in Oklahoma. I figure it’s an internet service provider problem. Nothing changed on my end, just one day I couldn’t access a good number of Blizzard services. Support, some forums, the shop. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the launcher or any other internet browser.

Something is preventing me from spending money on Blizzard software, and it’s not just the generally negative vibe floating around social media since Blizzcon. :smiley:

Same issue here…are we calling this the Texas Lag?
I deleted my app and WOW game to download new version and cant even get those .exe files to load. so frustrating

If they change their BGP connection to
Level3 and have it set the route advertisements for blizzard lower priority it will work again. That is, if they have a connection to another upstream provider to have it prefer. If they only have Level3, well…maybe it’s nice outside?