Canonical Warfront Winners

I guess, I am just, personally, so bored with humans in general. I think they are way over represented in the Alliance as it is. The Alliance flag is the exact same as Stormwind’s flag. That, in addition to the role of a High King, following the same hereditary rules of succession, it just makes the Alliance seem more like Stormwind’s Empire, as opposed to an alliance of like minded and/or cooperative races.

Really, I think gnomes and Nelves are in much greater need of some diversity. At the moment, those races are cultural monoliths, and Its annoying that Blizzard attempted to solve that by just having some night elves willingly submit themselves into undeath. Rather than just defining the cultural and/or lifestyle difference between the Night Elves that live in different parts of Kalimdor. Surely there is a difference between nelves in Feralas when compared to those in Winterspring.

That’s one of the things I’d hope this would ameliorate - make humans less boring. Turn them into an actual race, with racial things, instead of just your standard flavorless generic people. Stormwind’s overbearing presence in the Alliance would require some other solution, tho - perhaps the opposite treatment humans need, giving other races more prominence as political entities and governments rather than races under the alliance.

I can’t deny gnomes are in dire need of the spotlight, having never had it shone over them as far as I can remember.

Meanwhile, nelves already got a whole lotta screentime. The problem is that it’s usually not good for them.

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i think that after kultiras we need to take a break from humans.

i want to see more about lightforged draenie, personally.

which, honestly, is kind of worse than not having any screen time. Every time Blizzard comes out with new nelf lore, I brace like I am about to get punched in the face.

Also Legion.

Also MoP, Cata, Wrath, BC, possibly also Vanilla…

I don’t think anyone was really the hero in WoD, but if there was a hero in it it was probably the Alliance just because it was everywhere else.

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Oh look, the Horde toddler army is here. Can we stay on topic please? Thanks.

Liadrin is giving out WQs to kill healers… so I think Dezco is a fair possibility. :wink:

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