Cannot complete A Goblin in Shark's Clothing (Retail)

Cross posted in Quests, but got no answer.

Hey. I finally rolled a Goblin character. However, I cannot seem to compelete the quest “A Goblin in Shark’s Clothing.” It’s one of the early Azshara quests, which I need to do do move on. I tried a tactic I found online, involving hitting the big shark once with the laser, than kite it around while casting the explosion on it. It didn’t work. Literally two hits from the shark and it resets. I don’t have a chance to kill it. As I cannot move on until I complete this quest, what do I do now? Is it bugged like the aerial assault on New Haven is for the Death Knights? Am I stuck with a dead character?


Exit the Shark suite and pick another one off the shore?
Maybe your ilevel not high enough.
Have your gear equiped?
Last time I did that quest…
I lazerated repted intill they attacted me then the bomb.?

Yeah. I’m all good. Level 11, heirlooms, killed little ones, hit big one with laser and kited around with explosion, still die in two hits, before the heal button resets. This quest is undoable.


Well can you wait till someone else starts to kill it then attract it with them?
Or is it a solo quest with the skark wings?

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That’s what I wound up doing. Another player came along and we double-teamed it. Still, it’s supposed to be a solo quest. Needs work.


Yep just like that DK quest. I just can’t seem to get past this one. 9th try, all fails. Yes, kill little sharks all around first. Fire laser then explosions, kiting around, healing when up, but I never get to use a second heal, 2-3 hits gone dead. Another consequence of their auto-sync system. If this was a dungeon I would probably be able to solo at 10-12! Level 11 outside solo quest? Nope.

Edit: I guess when I create new goblins I will always start out in Exile’s Reach. No very badly tuned quests like for DKs and goblins, even though I am not really thrilled going through there.

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I reported it in-game and the super helpful GM basically blew me off.

" Now, allow me to inform you that I checked into your issue, and there is nothing that would cause this challenge to happen. Also, I checked with our tech team, and they informed me that they haven’t received any registered reports regarding this challenge."

So yeah, working fine according to Blizz. I would love a job where all I have to do is reply to complaints with “no it’s not”.


Terrible response. It is widely known their sync system is causing all kinds of hell in certain spots.

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Wow that was bonkers. Level 11 rogue couldn’t kill in shark machines. Managed to stab it as I flew out then I blinded it and grabbed yet another shark machine and then killed it.

Possible fix?