Can your warband character list be saved

A couple of weeks ago I sorted my character list out and it has stayed that way ever since, until today…

Is there a file client side I can copy in case this happens again or is it server side.

In the [WoW]\_[version]_\WTF\Account\[your account]\character-list-order.txt is an ordered list using the character GUIDs rather than name/realm.

You could extract these with a simple addon using UnitGUID("player") when you login to save the name-realm to guid information.

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I was only looking to make a backup list incase it was wiped again. Sounds like character-list-order.txt is the file. Thank you for the answer and as always your willingness to share your knowledge.

It’s possible that replacing this list with a copied backup before starting the game might re-order the list but I’ve not experimented with this.

In case anyone is interested I just copied the character-list-order.txt file, moved a couple of characters then exited the game. Logged back in and the change was still there. Exited again and replaced the file with the old copy and it was back to the original.

TLDR: You can copy the file for a backup


Only real limitation I might predict is if you create or delete characters. I have no idea how the system would react if you referred to characters that don’t exist, or your account has characters not in your saved list.

Hopefully, nothing catastrophically stupid, but given the current state of the Bug Reports forum I’m not feeling real optimistic about that.

I just edited the file in my beta folder by adding a 7th character at the bottom of the file. I just copied the GUID of one of my characters on live and pasted it in. Game loaded and I had 6 characters to pick from.