Can you still xfer SoM characters to era?

I only use my email for work. I would never expect a video game company to email about these things, as they have very public places to display it.

Get over it.

I think in this situation I would not mind…

Considering they spam me all the time with stupid crap that I don’t care about like reactivating several accounts I have closed since I don’t play as much.

Considering they spam me with CoD adds.


So you left a one year limited realm for one year and now you are complaining.

Of course they were going to be deleted, the servers were only supposed to be active for a year then shut down.

I got all my toons, never had an issue myself. But to expect people to pay attention to forums or wowhead to learn this info? Come on bro. If any company deleted your personal data without notice, you’d be pissed. It’s industry standard to notify on data deletion.

The only counter argument I’ll accept here is that this specific situation is for SoM, these toons were expected to be deleted from the start, and the fact they let us keep them with a transfer service was just a bonus.

Even still, some out-of-game communication about it would be nice.

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False. They didnt say that SoM characters would go anywhere but the dumpster until almost the very end of the season.

I was hoping theyd fade into nothingness, but alas.

You expect people to check emails for video game related news? Its 2023. Websites like THE ONE FOR THE GAME YOU ARE PLAYING, and 3rd party ones like wowhead are where the VAST majority of information is disseminated from.

Show me where this happened?

I’ll wait because you cannot lol. Did you expect a hand written letter/email in 2023?

btw it was not even “your data” the CLONE was deleted. Your character is still (speaking of the people that did not choose to clone) entirely intact. You lost nothing.

This thread is about SoM characters – not the whole Classic Era / Classic Progression cloning system. If this person failed to move their SoM character, despite knowing the servers were only meant to last a year and having 283 days (Oct 18, 2022 until July 28, 2023) to make the move, then yes, they did indeed lose something. But they did not lose “their data” – that data is Blizzard’s.


Direct comparison was part of our conversation, thanks for joining the convo though.

Then quote that originally (although I think that is off-topic to the current topic and thus spam). I responded to your post in regards to what you had quoted in the context of the overall thread topic.

It’s not for the people who are playing. Those people are notified easily in game, forums, whatever. It’s for the people who aren’t actively playing.

Anyways, you’re very angry about this. I didn’t lose my toons. I didn’t think asking for emails would trigger a tough Tauren like yourself.

Good day sir.


Apparently not getting them triggered the marshmellow soft dwarf you are. I am not upset, more so confused how people are so entitled.

LOL, suuuuure you aren’t …

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I see you failed to read it was basically a repost of what he said with his own insult included.

Don’t know why they don’t just keep the data in case someone wants to buy a transfer later down the road.

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Calling you a tough Tauren insults you?

Full on bull, calf meat is much more tender.

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Oh now you are just being disingenuous go figure.