Can you scrap 385+ Engineering Goggles for 100% Tidal Core Return?

In my haste and excitement after spending all weekend grinding for Tidal Cores, I accidentally crafted the leather 385 goggles instead of the mail ones…

I’ve submitted a ticket to try and get these exchanged for the mail ones, or the craft action undone, but preparing for the inevitability that blizzard probably won’t do that for me.

I’ve read online that scrapping engi goggles, unlike other profession items, does not return any Tidal Cores. Is there any truth to that?


I crafted the 370 googles when the new recipes came out and just scrapped them and got back in all the sanguacili (whatever it’s called) I put into them.

My guildmate said you could recover the sanguicell and explosum, but I don’t really care about those compared to the Tidalcore.

Bump, can someone please clarify if we get tidal cores back for Engi goggle scraps? If I do I can use them to make a LW piece, but if not I’d sooner use the hat for offspec.

Took it upon myself after realizing I had decent hats for all specs. You DO now get tidal cores back, I scrapped Surging Gearspun Goggles (Leather 385 piece) and received 15 x Tidal Core and 15x Expulsom


Thank you for confirming that for the other players. There was definitely some question in regards to the engineering helms.

Thank you so much for confirming this!

As an update to my original situation, because I had not earned any appearances, or gained a skill point, or learned the recipe crafting the goggles gave me, the GM was able to use his OP scrapper on my leather goggles that gave me back 100% of my materials. :smiley:

If someone finds themselves in a similar position, make sure you don’t learn the recipe and put in a ticket!

Little fun fact about the engineering googles, I use the bomb trait because I think it’s fun

Last night in waycrest, we were in the basement. My bombs activated and flew up, I saw the initial explosion then all the bombs exploded on the ceiling. Turns out it aoe’ed the room above us and pulled adds.


You are a true hero.

you are a saint

So I can buy the goggles as a way to get some tidalcore.

Wanted to confirm.

The real MVP

Do you get any Titan Residuum for scrapping the goggles?

Aren’t the goggles BoP?

Asking the real questions. If they did many people would likely constantly reforge and scrap them, as such i highly doubt they give residuum.

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Yeah they do not. Only BoB and Expulsom. Tested yesterday on 385 and 400 goggles.