Can you please allow newer players go back and get cool looking Artifact (Druid) forms? Tower challenge thing

As someone with Parkinson’s Disease who worked for the Warrior Legion artifact appearances in the Tower? No. Too many long nights trying and bashing my head against a seemingly insurmountable wall of frustration and personal challenge… I would actually feel cheated if it was brought back. Just like how I felt cheated when the old Tier .5 sets were brought to the DMF or the Naxx Tier sets were brought back to the BMAH.

I understand where you’re coming from, I didn’t get them on all characters and think “If only”, but it’s the same for every old appearance in the game that is now no longer obtainable. I wasn’t able to get the end raid quest mount from the previous expansion due to a combination of the aforementioned Parkinson’s and shoddy internet, and toward the very end of it, overbearing work with no real free time save for sleep.

You missed the opportunity, though perhaps there will be one in the future that you will be able to take advantage of. At the end of the day, it’s something you’re going to have to bite back and bear (hur hur).

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I don’t understand people’s fascination with that ugly bear form.

Sucks people missed out on it but you can’t get everything you want

I likes glowing kittys.