Can you all stop asking for paid transfers now?

Where are we getting that from?

People who play on it, Horde basically lives in IF now, someone over there made a video, there was like 16 60 alliance online.

Every single alliance guild transferred off.

And this is what you people want for servers? Sad

“Reroll, leave, quit”- months of Horde saying this- well, Horde got what they wanted.


Fixed that for you.

Also, this guy did a /who 60 at the 18 sec mark in the vid, there were only 13 players. I suggest watching the entire vid, it is the future horde is bringing to every PvP server. Better prepare now.

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They were originally a 40/60 server and smaller pop than the imbalanced servers on NA.

How is that fixed for me? I said I’m all for transfers on huge imbalanced servers… but leave the balanced ones alone.

No sorry, not every pvp server.

True. Heartseeker will be 94% Ally instead of 94% horde. kek

40/60 is balanced only to Horde players on the 60 side.

Nope, plenty of pvp servers that are above 40/60

I like this future. I would sell all the gnomes of Azeroth to the Legion in order to make this happen.

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You responded to my post and I never said anything about merges.

What I was getting at is 1 realm. All the realms go dead eventually. Connected realms is the Blizzard solution. Connect all of the realms into 1 PvP realm (because this is a non issue for Normal realms)

We can go no smaller than 1. The lack of balance is irrelevant. Blizzard would have to lock the faction, on 1 realm, and wait for the players to fix it.

As we have been shown already, too many people refuse. Can’t refuse a connected realm.

Realm identity goes out the window once it’s a dead realm. We will see what happens with that EU realm the Alliance vacated.

He did it during open transfers, not privilege. I was literally observing their last moments while others debated following them.

You sir, have described connected realms. Those are not name changes. Blizzard only appends a realm name to the end of your existing name.

Merging will force the players to choose a name are the character select screen. Blizzard has never done this.

If not wanting wPvP is the goal. They are getting what they wanted too.

They should be forced onto Normal realms.

I love people saying “only” 40/60 as if that isn’t 50% more of the dominant faction wherever you go. Also Blizzard obviously didn’t care about server/faction health so why should I


Omg it’s my wife!

Save it from what? PVE alliance players that only do dungeons and farm over and over again and when they are geared instead of PVP they start an ALT? This is not a population problem, Alliance are a bunch of PVE players on PVP servers, that’s all.


I believe that most people want to be on the dominate faction for wPvP and will eventually quit or reroll if they feel the game is unplayable. I don’t believe there is any action Blizzard is willing to take, or not take, that will change the inevitable decline of the PvP servers just as happened in Vanilla.

Then the “wPvP’ers” will be left circling like vultures waiting for someone foolish enough to roll the opposite faction :wink:

All alliance on imbalanced servers should do this (and yes 60 v 40 is imbalanced).

Horde “win” (although I’m not sure how breaking the game is a “win”). You outnumbered people until they quit. Woohoo?

/golf clap


he did it 4 days ago mang re watch his stream there are no paid transfers for anyone else.

he got streamer prio.