Can you all stop asking for paid transfers now?

BGs coming out will make it much better. Give it 3 days

Ahh, yessssss. Classic is going down the drain


sounds like the hordes fault and they deserve everything they get


Not everyone shares your opinion that somehow this will fix gameplay. Some say rather convincingly that things like ganking and camping will continue as it is now even as bgs are simply added to the menu.

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bgs won’t fix it though. retail has had bgs since vanilla and WM still exists because the majority rolled horde (or rerolled horde from alliance) to camp fps and grief people. every time i see an orc anything post on the forums about pvp balance i just laugh.


I don’t think we thought the wpvp would be this ridiculous, it never was since i started back in retail, and i started on a pvp server for 6 years and had a toon also on Sargeras, there was ganking … but not every 10 mins, and flocks of 60s vs 1 or 2. to the point leveling up now in the world is almost unplayable, so I think its these situations and how players are ganking each other, that is turning players off from pvp servers and want to transfer to pve.

I thought I would never want to be on a pve server till now, which i would miss casual wpvp but still has BGs, actually I was in a pvp guild on a pve server and in MOP alone we did wpvp every day vs a horde pvp guild plus timeless isle which was all flagged pvp to the point my addon Vankosas shows I had 40k wpvp encounters, but we was cap lvl and geared, we didn’t have the pressure of leveling and questing as i do now in classic,

I love wpvp when its competitive and equal numbered world wars, not this 20-60s ganking lvl 40 camps etc for hours on end.

I think the people who want to leave for pve servers should be set free. I had to leave my characters behind to reroll on a normal server, but I feel like my old characters are lost in pvp jail where they won’t be played again.

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they allowed transfers which screwed up pvp servers even more.

They are free to level a character on a pve realm if they choose to

why should they have to abandon their progress to be able to play? how would horde like it if bgs weren’t cross realm and you actually had to face some real consequences for their actions? you know what you’d get told at this point? “reroll or quit.” just like you have all been telling them. only horde would be getting their just desserts. :stuck_out_tongue:


Correct. I would tell those Horde that as well. If anything, cross realm BGs will hurt us Horde on more balanced servers but I see the good in Blizz having them more than just for queue times. Just like I see the bad in if they allowed transfers to happen.

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1 realm end the topic.

Sooner or later they would just quit. At this point in the game it’s too late to catch up, given there is no catch up mechanism whatever in classic.

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Oh, you think they care about faction balance? Population is the factor. Balance might come next but that only if there are opposite balance dead realms to merge with.

There’s no time limit in wow. It’s not too late, people are making new toons every day.

Let’s not get hung up on the semantics.

Merging a realm = forcing duplicate names to rename. Blizzard has NEVER done this.

Connected realm (the Blizzard term) means player names are appended with -Realm. So Peragrine-grobbulus is what other people will see. Combining realms is semantics.

I know they don’t care. But I was responding to a post that suggested merging servers was a solution, which means only that the poster doesn’t realize that most servers are already horde dominated.

More horde rolled on pvp servers than alliance. Therefore there is no way that merging or combining populations will result in overall balance.

A few are. One is heavily Alliance dominated. Merges would work down the road, not saying exactly now. If they can get two more closer balanced realms, I’d be for that more than screwing all pvp servers.

Most servers are horde dominated. Of heavily dominated servers, almost all are horde.

There are almost no balanced servers in classic. Does your server "feel’ balanced to you? That’s just a reflection of the fact that most people “feel” their pvp server is balanced when it is in fact dominated by their faction. A 50:50 server feels balanced to no one.

There are many, but okay.