Can we talk about the book?

I do want to point out Zekhan is not totally illiterate and it does mention he only mostly learned to read/write from Lothermar.

Edit: Based on what I have seen the EK book does seem to be better but mostly because of the interaction between Shaw/Flynn.

I’m not going to give Blizzard money right now, so I’m going to give feedback into what I’ve been able to see. I trust the words of people who have been championing the lore of WoW for over a decade. Again, I’ve also listened to someone reading it over Discord and context does not help the passages above.

I have been giving honest feedback from what I’ve seen and heard. You’re free to have a discussion with that, or you’re free to continue to belittle people having that discussion. Whatever floats your boat.

Oh yeah! I still want to do that at some point, but I’m nowhere closer now than I was a year ago. I’d likely also be having a panic attack were that the case though!

It’ll be fine, I believe that. :slight_smile:


you can do whatever the heck you want but, i ain’t gonna take the word of someone whos reviewing something 2nd hand because they can’t be bothered to actually read it themselves.

It’s not out. Period. Exhaustive search. It’s not even on ebay yet except for pre-order. Somebody laid their hands on some pages…that’s all.
Appreciate your looking it up. :butterfly:

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Cool, sounds good to me. I’m not looking for anyone to take my words.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

It is out. People have read it. It’s just out of stock on Amazon.

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How can it be out when not one bookstore has it available until January 22nd. And by now someone would be at least selling it on ebay???

You can get it on Kindle on Amazon right now
(apparently not). But it sounds like they covered some preorders and they’re having trouble with the supply chain, but at least US Amazon has it listed as Temporarily out of stock and not as Pre-order.

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Tried. Said it “can’t.” Basrds! Lol

Ok, I’ll admit I just saw the option when I was looking for who wrote it

^^^ I’m glad I read the reviews before buying the book. One would think that anyone who is to write a book should first conduct their research on the subject.

Doesn’t matter. I stand corrected. I did purchase it Nov 6th. Said it was supposed to be here yesterday. After checking orders and it telling me I purchased it twice now…plus the one I just did off Thriftbooks - which I need to go cancel. Lolol…they’re making a bunch just off me buying it 3x and still don’t have this supposedly terrible book!!



I mean none of that is overly surprising. Trolls are, canonically, extremely racist even towards their own kind (hence all the varying troll tribes to begin with). Also why would a non night elf and not even allied or sympathetic towards them care about their problems? If he was a druid he may care simply because of the significance of the tree itself.

Goblins are not nice towards each other as is having an extremely capitalistic society and mindset. Just like in capitalism, being “nice” to employees is generally a tactic to get them to do what you want if you lack the control in the relationship to expect it…case in point, look at how abusive employers get when they are the main employer in a town…you either get a job with them or go without so they can be as abusive as they want knowing you have no options…

Orc culture (and ogre which Rexxar is both) is HIGHLY aggressive. If memory serves, Rexxar’s own father exiled him and/or wanted him dead…or Rexxar left because the alternative was killing his father or something. Orcs aren’t sympathetic to lesser orcs…even your level 1 nub donkey self gets a quest to go beat lazy/slacking orc peons if you don’t go to noob isle to level.

Also I’ve no idea why people care so much about that random Tauren camp…and I mained a horde druid back in Vanilla. Even canonically it couldn’t have been very big or significant.

They keep trying to make Taurajo some kind of atrocity equal to whatever current evil thing the Horde did in the latest expansion. When in Cataclysm it wasn’t really equal to anything the Horde had done and they’ve had to keep retconning it to be worse which just makes it funnier because no one gave a **** about taurajo because it was a minor town even in vanilla where you were stuck in the Barrens for most of your life

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Send me your second copy! I’ll even pay you for it if you can’t refund. I’d hate for you to be out money for an extra copy of this thing :heart:

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Let’s get in Discord and you can read the full thing to me so I can get the context of the book. :smiley:

In their attempts at morally gray they like to point at Camp Taurajo and say “Look guys, we promise the Alliance is just as bad as the Horde! War is war, the Horde aren’t purely evil because the Alliance have done bad things, too!” and proceed to not have the Alliance do anything worse than Taurajo.

It’s…I don’t know, weird. Also I just don’t like them retconning stuff, like the Purge of Dalaran being canon from the Alliance perspective and wrong from the Horde perspective.


Blizzard will forever keep saying “morally grey” but when it comes to the faction conflict one side is always the evil aggressor and it is never the Alliance. I am a life long Horde main and even I know this lol

I do remember the “vulpera purge squads” they tried to have the Alliance use for a brief moment in BfA until everyone went wtf and Blizzard renamed them.


I spent so…so long defending the Horde, I kept lists of everything bad the Alliance had done to the Horde to justify the hate. But the Horde list grew longer as the Alliance list began to stagnate. And come BfA I realized the Horde is just written as the evil faction, and my faction loyalty absolutely shattered. It felt pretty bad when it happened, but now I just feel total apathy. And I hate that because I love the lore and world of this game.


The Burning of Teldressil was a real Jump the Shark moment for the Faction Conflict and the game in general tbh


Actually, it offended us 20 years ago, but now our voices are loud enough that folks like you just can’t ignore them anymore.