Can we talk about the book?

I’ll pass.

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From what I’ve heard from someone reading passages from the book, context does not help.

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yeah heck reading. lets just take out of context statements and get mad for hours on end instead of taking a few minutes to understand what we’re mad at.


I mean if you wanna get me the book I’ll read it, but I’m not giving Blizzard another dime

I’m not buying a warcraft book are you crazy?

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Outrage first. Reading never.

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Lord of the Clans was good, I enjoyed that book.

Whaaaat? People would never take fragmented passages to manipulate outrage…no never…

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Eh. It was okay. But most Warcraft books are bottom tier fantasy and I’d rather read something I enjoy. Especially since any Warcraft book is going to be retconned anyway

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This book in particular. The author doesn’t seem to have much of a track record in writing but it also appears his job is simply to collate the lore rather than make it.
Considering the changes in Blizzard recently (the departure of A.A.), I wouldn’t be surprised if what we see in game, and what the top brass decided really happens, are in conflict.

Yeah, searched everything. 2-4 weeks. What? It sold out? I’m trying (not successfully) to not read thread, and pushing down being ticked, (& can’t be ticked with everyone else, ) jealous I don’t have it! Lol /grin

Tbf, I was in 5th grade when I read it. It wasn’t Sanderson or anything but it wasn’t offensively bad.

No idea! It is a very odd story being told just from the store pages all calling it sold out but practically nobody seems to have it :rofl:

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So the new internet past time is to take out of context phrases to just trash on a book? I have yet another thing to have panic attacks over.

I’m not really sure its out of context when we have entire pages showing it in context.


Also not everyone is having a panic attack? I’m more interested in having a discussion, but people seem more interested in claiming nothing is wrong. It definitely ISN’T a good look, what we’ve seen. And having heard someone read passages, context doesn’t do anything to help it be any better. But…sure, discussion equates to panic.



But you see, no matter what it is, be it a paragraph, a page, or a whole book. There’s always a larger context that is never actually explained that makes it ok.

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This is probably my fault of framing the OP poorly. Sorry!

heres an idea. read the book, give honest feedback. not listen to someone whine about a single passage and write off the entire thing as awful.

I also just think its funny and a great example of Blizzard’s quality control right now lol

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Considing I just pubished my first novel about a month ago yes I am having a panic attack.