Can we talk about the book?

this made me think of this.


I’m sure they meant “can’t read elvish” or whatever but it’s not really a good look either way since they made him sound like an illiterate dumbass.


For as long as I remember people have been pointing out the issues with trolls and tauren and I have been here since vanilla. The problem is that it is 2021 and we are still having this conversation instead of fixing the issues.


The delusional minority, yes.

I thought the draw of gazlowe was he paid hazard pay, OT, and treated his crew well.

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I’m confused. I pre-order every WoW book but don’t have this one. I just looked and release date says January 22nd??? Huh? What am I missing? (besides the book, lol)

dunno if i’m the only one that noticed the correlation but there’s also this part

this correlates with people that question why people still care about the holocaust, slavery, native american genocide, japanese war crimes.

which is pretty yikes.


At least it’s now clear why nothing makes sense in the current story.

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This is the first time I’m hearing that. This is incredibly contrary to the character we’ve met so far.

The funny thing about the Teldressil comment is that it reminds me of Blizzard’s own reaction to it and how they seemed confused as to why people on both sides were mad about it instead of getting amped for BfA and “faction pride”


Every website I’ve looked at has an option to order it for immediate shipping, so I have no idea!

There is a potential explanation, at least from someone (who is pretty well known for covering the WoW lore and narrative):

But yeah, Gazlowe was pretty badly butchered.

People… mad? About genocides done to them? Whaaaa


We’re talking the World of Warcraft Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor? Right?

Thx for answering :butterfly:

slowly raises hand in the back of the room

Yep! Books a million has it available for 2-4 weeks shipping, I’m not high enough trust level to link or smart enough to circumvent it or I’d post the link to the store page.

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i feel bad for the people that buy the books, think about all the good fantasy books you could be reading instead your reading this garbage lmfao.


This is what they did during the BfA prepatch. Horde could ignore civillians during the attack on Astraanar. Then during the Alliance version of the quest there are suddenly a bunch of random and never mentioned at all forsaken assassins killing everyone and cackling like supervillains

So maybe that happened to Taurajo lmao


okay so from what i’m understanding, barely anyone has read the book but we’re all gonna complain about out of context statements? Has anyone considered like…reading the book or has our collective attention span become tweet length?


Not a chance

Edit: Phrasing