Can we talk about the book?

I mean yeah, if they could do the retcons well and used them sparingly I’d be okay with it. Sometimes there’s value to modifying older parts of the story as the years go by.

I just don’t want Blizzard to do that because they can’t lol

Why are people trying to create parallels between a fantasy game and real world ?? Please don’t. We are here to escape from the real world.

Today’s gamers are triggering me or I am getting too old for this.


Of course he is. He is illiterate and ignorant in a lot of things. From BFA the dude comes off as a farmer boy that probably stepped for in the capital for the first time when he marched toward Teldrassil.

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Because they decided to base trolls on Caribbean and Islander cultures and that roots it in the real world even if it is a fantasy setting. I actually like trolls and tauren but there are a lot of problematic and awkward stuff about them because of how they are portrayed in the game. The stuff in this book is not helping


This makes a lot of sense, since the baseline reads very Gallywix.

Gallywux is supposed to be the Trump fatcat capitalist who profits off of the downtrodden worker.

Gazlowe is supposed to be the union rep who supports workers and organizes them.

Making Gazlowe suddenly so for Gallywix explains the weird personality heel-turn.

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They seriously need restructuring in the writing department. I daresay its worse than the systems & design relatively.

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At first I thought it was because suits were dictating the story to the writers and they had to force stupid ideas into a narrative for the expansion. But this stuff really shows there is an issue with the writing team as a whole since they are botching established characters like Gazlowe and mistaking him for Gallywix

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Danuser thought GoT season 8 was brilliant.

Let that sink in.


Considering you’re just making stuff up to be pretend offended without even knowing the history or cultures, yes, it’s attitudes like your that make everything into a problem.

shakes head, leaves

This thread was a trainwreck and mistake from the moment it was posted.


Yeah it’s totally my fault that Trolls are based on African and Caribbean cultures and Tauren are based on Native American cultures and Blizzard keeps screwing them up by making them into racist caricatures lmao


Because Blizzard did it to justify recent decisions in the name of political correctness, so other people are fully justified in calling them out by the same standard.

I don’t really care either way, but I get it.

That is kind of the danger of opening the door to using your fantasy characters as real world parallels. Swings both ways!

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Blizzard’s standard for fixing issues is swapping a low textured painting no one ever noticed with a bowl of fruit. Guess they’ll replace this book with one too

I could definitely see it.

I just think they seriously missed the mark on this book. People can argue back and forth about the racial connotations all day, but the butchering of established characters is a real, objective problem with it. And that’s where my major complaints come from. Gazlowe was one of my favorites, but what I’ve heard about him from the book is just unacceptable.

Stop it, really. Nothing of this is real. Based on is not enough justification, everything in this game is based on something.

This is not real world. Trolls are not islanders from real life. Mogu slaved Pandarens so Should the Chinese people be outraged as well ? If so, we should just close Warcraft IP completely because everything will offend somebody.

They wrote Gazlowe like he was Gallywix in an earlier draft, then just decided “Eh, all goblins are the same!” And swapped the names.

The Statement: Blizzard we promise to do better

The reality: Blizzard adds a klan robe and makes Zekhen an illiterate that needs a white civillized man to teach him what erosion is


Just because it isn’t “real” doesn’t mean it isn’t offensive lol. When you base something on real people and real cultures and **** it up those people are going to get offended about it even if it is a fantasy world


I think both are just oversights.

Though it does raise the question: how can Zekhan not read? Sure, if it was elvish I get it, but he should be fully capable of reading and writing Zandali.

The thing is, we can even counter this by established lore, without bringing in real world connotations.

Zekhan is an ambassador to the Horde. We know the leaders can all write and read, they send letters all the time. We even have sections where Trolls send letters to Orgrimmar from the Echo Isles. So it makes the Trolls look bad if the one chosen to be the ambassador of the Horde had to be taught to read and write.

Now, if they had just added a tiny passage that it was Lore’themar teaching him how to read and write Thalassian, that immediately solves the issue. Case closed, nothing going wrong. But the indication that a Troll in this day where the Horde has been sending letters, even down to the lowliest farmer in Durotar, had to be taught by Elves how to read and write…it just doesn’t paint the Trolls in a good color.