Can we talk about the book?

Yes. You are. Blood Elves are absolutely known for their extensive knowledge and they taught MANY races many things.


So basically the enlightened white man is teaching the dumb savage islander how to read and write because no one else bothered to do this his entire life.

It isn’t a good look lol


Going to withhold any annoyance until I read it then :woman_shrugging:. If folks have strong opinions about the ones you posted previously, then I’m going to assume that the outrage machine is powered atm and take complaints with a grain of salt.

It’s a literal High Elf dude. They teach literally EVERYONE. Wtf is with this community. Good freaking jesus christ.


:point_right: :point_right:

I checked some other sources to make sure they weren’t just made up out of whole cloth. I’m not giving Blizzard money for their garbage writing, are you kidding me? :rofl:

I also tried to make it clear it’s only my opinion-- with an invitation to anyone that’s actually read the book to chime in. :smiley:

Also pretty amazing that he doesn’t know what erosion is since it isn’t rocket science to know what erosion is especially if you are a shaman whose entire job is talking to nature spirits lmao


I’m getting really tired of these types of threads.



Hey, all the power to you, Autai! I’m relaying everything I’ve read, and so far from those who have read it, it has been almost universally panned to the point people are rejecting it as actual lore.

I think the Twitter thread I linked does a good job expanding on the issue with Gazlowe and the comments offer some good discussion from those who have read it.

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lmao good lord

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Fantasy Racism.

The thing about retcons is they’re very difficult to make work. There’s a reason retcons get a bad rap, good reasons. Most the time, the writers can’t pull them off. A good clever retcon requires a good clever writer.

I’d be happy if Blizzard had any good clever writers.

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Yes, that’s exactly how I feel about your hyperbolic outrage.


If folks want to deny that the Goblins has a negative effect on their land with their fracking operations then they can do that. :woman_shrugging:

I’m not going to deny the negative effects Draenei had on the northern isles, in fact they actively work toward fixing it. Maybe Blizzard should do the same with Goblins.

I’m not even outraged. I just think its funny how tone deaf and clueless they are at this point lmao


No, not that part. The part about Gazlowe, the one who went after greedy corporate overlords and pays his workers fairly, suddenly became exactly like Gallywix. And that Zekhan is racist, that Night Elves are wasting their lives being angry at what happened with Teldrassil, the rest of the book.

As far as poisoning the water, that is something believable and understandable, it just sounds bad in the current climate. The rest of the book is so much worse.

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ooga booga troll man can’t read… smh

Why is this shocking though? Who cares that he dislikes the Night Elves??

You just described yourself in these threads about “white men” and “pointed hats.” Take a step back and stop projecting and twisting things from life into a fantasy story that doesn’t even logically add up.

People like yourself are why this storyline gets worse and worse. God forbid a Belf teach a Troll and show respect for them to do that in a fantasy world. :roll_eyes:


Zekhan is racist towards Goblins, not Night Elves.

At the end of the day, people are obviously free to have their opinions. I’ve read the passages that people have posted, I’ve gone through and listened to the discussions about what was in the book, and none of it is a good look. While Exploring Eastern Kingdoms was a celebration of the Alliance through the vehicle of two liked characters, Exploring Kalimdor was slandering most of the Horde, erasing history (no survivors at the Camp Taurajo massacre), and twisting beloved characters into polar opposites of what was established in the games. It’s a bastardization of the Horde and the Night Elves that did not happen in the Eastern Kingdoms book to the Alliance.

Ugh I don’t want to write new Goblin lore… gonna cut and replace all instances of Gallywix with Gazlowe and call it a day. No one will notice


Yeah it is totally people pointing out the weird and somewhat racist issues with WoW’s storytelling that is making it bad and not the bad writing itself lol