Can We PLEASE Be Able To Select Our Visage Forms For The Character Select Screen!

I would be cool if you could choose which form Dracthyr and Worgen characters appeared in on the selection screen. It would also be cool to have the same control of your armory page and character view in the companion app.


this and for forums too it makes trying to do transmog rating threads a nightmare and its the only reason i stopped posting on my dragon

edit what the 5months ? and there was no other replies so why was this at the top of threads then lol my point still stands tho

Are all gnomes as anti-fun and anti-options as you are?

This is why Visage, as well as Two Forms, were huge mistakes.

I wish that evokers had the option to always be in visage form, even during combat.

The evoker class is fun to play but I’m not a fan of their dragon form. Also the dragon form doesn’t show mog


Bump! Please allow me to see Visage form at Character creation!!

Also, probably not possible but would be cool if Visage was always on dont care for being a Dragon either

7 months later

The Azerothian Archives are at hard work today digging up these ancient fossils!


No not really hate the Dracthyr visage absolutely hideous what I want is the option to pick a race for my visage something that should of been available day 1.

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google exists

Seeing the date of when the thread was posted exists.

What is the issue? How is there any problem with bumping a thread instead of making a new one

Literally against the forums rules:

So you lack reading comprehension. Makes sense

Right… Whatever you say, hun.

Crazy I have to spell it out for you. Didn’t bump for “no reason”. Idk who pissed in your cheerios but just take the L and move on buddy

As an addition to that, I also want to be able to pick what my visage is. Not a fan of Generic human with elf ears, and generic blood elf with horns.

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I don’t use visage and I get upset when the darn thing switches back on. I made my drachthir purple, I WANT to see my purple dragon not a crappy elf


I have finally given Evo a shot and I am loving it as far as gameplay is concerned. I am a PvP only guy and I primarily play for the transmogs which is why I stopped playing Evo after like 10 minutes because I realized the MoGs weren’t visible during most gameplay. Now I am discovering that even on the character select screen I cant see the mog I worked to earn. Replying to keep this thread alive hoping the activity motivates some devs somewhere.

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It’s almost like bliz doesnt know a huge part if why people play this game is collecting cool looking armor that they want to see…hmmm. Oh wait yeah they do it’s literally the carrot on almost every stick they use. Play plunderstorm kool Mog. Run remix kool Mogs. Lol. Trader added…kool Mogs. Just sayin.

Now that the warbands collective screen occurs, and dracthyr have more classes, this is needed now more than ever.