Can we increase emissary rewards please?

I’d prefer more AP or Gold to be honest…


Considering we’re talking about two entirely different things, that’s where the communication breakdown is.

You’re talking about when the scaling was put into place. I’m talking about when the ilevel was increased to 385 when the new patch and raid was released. The entire point I was making is that rewards get raised when new content with new ilevels is released. It doesn’t even matter if it’s Azerite or normal rewards.

And yes, the rings were increased. But that doesn’t benefit progression raiders for long. The Emissaries, as a whole, long term, are meant for fresh 120s to gear. Short term, yes, you’re right, it gives them more options for traits. But that’s not what the long term benefits of emissary rewards is for.

I was trying to point out that we can’t simply up the ilevel of Azerite emissaries because someone wants more choices. That’s not how ilevel increases for that type of content works. There is always a reason behind the increases. As you said, short term, it was for raiding reasons. Long term, it’s to keep up with the new content being released, while also not being too high of a reward to make raids and M+ gearing seem inconsequential. Thus, randomly giving casual players 400 Azerite gear because someone wants it for off spec, isn’t a reason that fits with the way emissary increases work.


Maybe if we didn’t have this terrible azerite system, then we wouldn’t have this issue.

Except it’s not an issue… run the content that gives the gear. Casual world quests shouldn’t hand out Heroic level gear weekly.

Does the system suck? Sure. But just as with any gear, you need to run the appropriate content to get the rewards you want.

World quests should never grant gear in my opinion. I know it sounds crazy but I feel players should obtain gear from dungeons, raids, PVP or lengthy quest chains.

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You seem to forget it scales with your current item level. We are not talking about handing people who are fresh 120’s 400 ilvl gear every daily.

Seeing as how the OP is over 400 ilvl and myself now 408 this is referring to people who have almost no reason to do the emissary quests anymore. The small chance of it providing a decent azerite slot or potentially warforged loot would be enough to get players like us into doing dailies. And for the record they increased the emissary daily azerite from 355 to 370 (heroic item level) after about a month of Uldir releasing. We are close to being due since players like myself have no use for dailies anymore.

Most likely you would need ~5 ilvl below. You wont be getting 385 unless you have 380 in your bags. You wont get 400 unless you have 395 in your bags.

The players who are already ~400+ earned their item level. Give us a reason to do emissary dailies again otherwise they are a waste most of the time.

Except that’s exactly the reason Blizzard gave for upping the azerite emissary cache ilvl in the first place. Because there weren’t enough sources for azerite gear apart from raids. So they made emissaries a way to get alternate traits. This was stated by Blizzard when it happened.

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Quit being one of those people.


Because buying 400 BoEs is earning them right?

Nothing wrong with alternate gearing methods, that being said world quests being capped at 385 is fine. It’s nice enough they are giving gear that high really.

400s should be left do heroic raids, mythic dungeons, and weekly rewards for warfronts. It’s not something you should be able to earn daily.


Except for the large amount of people for whom such gear is useless.

You don’t get any 400 azerite gear from mythic dungeons though. Which is why it was put into azerite emissary chests instead.

If you’re not going to dungeon/raid to get better gear, then accept the limitations of your strategy. Sure, I also would love if emissaries starting giving 400 gear, but that really would not be fair to the peeps doing the harder content.

Realistically, as a solo-casual relying on anything/everything other than dungeons and raids, I hope I can just stay within 30 ilevels of the top players (which I informally refer to as the Gold Tier. Typically, by the end of an expansion’s time, I usually end up at the top of the Silver Tier).

Which you get by running mythic dungeons every week at different key levels.

385 is close to being useless for me too, but if I want the gear from higher difficulty end game content I need to do higher difficulty end game content.

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But again, that’s only for the short term. Which we all recognize, since they’re still emissary rewards and emissaries have always stayed at a certain threshold.

I feel like this is still a miscommunication…

No, you don’t. Again, that’s the point.

There is literally no other way to get some azerite traits than from the emissary chests. Raid gear only has a limited number of traits. The emissary gear cap being raised was explicitly done to give people a wider variety of traits to choose from at the same gear level they already had.

But they haven’t. How many times do people have to tell you otherwise? At the start of the expansion, emissary rewards were capped at 340. Then about a month after Uldir Heroic came out, the maximum ilvl was increased to 370.

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And now they’re capped at 385 once BoD released. Thus, the cap gets raised reasonably and stays at a certain threshold as time passes.

How would it “not be fair” to people doing harder content? Anyone doing heroic raiding or higher already has ilvl 400 azerite gear. Giving them more traits options can only help them, not hurt them.

And again, the emissary caches only give you azerite gear similar to what you already have. It’s a source of sidegrades, not upgrades.

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Missing the other posters point. Azerite does not drop from M+. So you cannot just run M+10 to farm specific azerite slots. You can get it from the vendor but at this point people are saving for 415’s. The only other source of 400+ azerite is the raid. And yes players like myself have been doing the raid with no luck on specific slots. In my case shoulders.

There are some azerite drops from the emissary with specific traits that are also oddly the best you can get for some specs.

Nobody is asking to give fresh 120’s free 400 gear. This is specifically for people who are already 400 and lacking in a specific slot they are getting hurt on raid rng.

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And that’s a failure on Blizz’s part to not put all traits into the pool for progression content. It still shouldn’t mean that only a month into the new raid casuals should have access to heroic raid gear weekly from random world quests.