And remember that you only actually get 400 lvl gear from emissaries if you are already at that ilvl or close to it. The emissary caches scale with your ilvl. If you are ilvl 375 you aren’t going to get a 400 cache, that’s not how it works.
Considering such information - it still has no impact on anything and is completely unnecessary. We have so many ways of attaining gear. There’s no reason to put heroic gear on 20 minute cycles. Absolutely none.
This is kind of the whole point of the thread.
OP had a bad idea, we all let them know that.
Given enough weekly resets of quests and Warfront turn-ins, you can get to 390 pretty easy. (by easy I mean the difficulty of the content being completed that is rewarding gear)
390 should be in the scaling bracket of 385 (where Emissary rewards cap iirc) to get lucky Warforges and Titanforges to 400+ much faster.
I think you’re missing the point. That’s meaningless now. That was for the very beginning of the new tier of raiding. Which is over and done with. It was a stepping stone. Just like it’s supposed to be. And now, that stepping stone is for new 120s and alts.
Stepping stones aren’t supposed to gear casuals into Heroic or Mythic raid level content.
Actually 370 was the reward for emissaries during Uldir… which was heroic.
No, it wasn’t. The gear scaling past 340 wasn’t even brought in until at least a month after heroic Uldir opened. Before then, all emissary gear was 340 max.
Maybe invasion wq but not standard wq
Hey bliz, there is not longer wakening essences to buy legendary items, all that content is rapidly outdated.
Make em at least drop a currency that can purchase armor and wapons (currently around 400 ilvl would be good, more later as ilvls go up.)
Same thing for running at least a random heroic each day.
a random battle ground win
Faction incursion invasions should drop at least a 400 piece / and - or currency to buy 400 pieces.
other things.
make rewards worthy of doing something so things do not turn into the WOW equivalent of ghost towns.
No matter what you think, a bit of planning and currency will work just as it has always worked in the past.
Don’t cater just to the sub 1%, provide incentives to play the game in many ways and be rewarding to those playing it. (No a random battle pet or mount is not an incentive for me, and I suspect others.)
If there was no WF/TF, then making emissary rewards at or just under the ilevel of the player’s current gear would actually make a ton of sense, based on Blizz’s stated intent
Emissary rewards are already based around the ilvl of your existing azerite gear, which cannot WF or Titanforge. Can we leave the WF/TF complaining to other threads?
I didn’t realize they couldn’t WF/TF; though I have opinions on TF I wasn’t making any of them here. So yea, if they already can’t, then I think they should keep scaling up past 385 then.
Imagine a 450 Titanforged azerite piece
It’s a bit early in the raid tier to increase the emissary cap to 400.
Wrong no arena format is fun right now.
No it doesnt.
it was because one faction got it,and it was the same ilvl gear as heroic of a brand new tier.
The new raid is only a month old…
You are seriously missing the point. And you’re in an entirely different patch than what I’m talking about. I’m done trying to explain the basics.
Nah you don’t get off that easy. You don’t even remember when Azerite gear scaling was put into the game, but I’m “missing the point” and you can’t be bothered. OK dude, we get it, you were proven wrong and have no counter argument so you’re peacing out. Bye.
You get 385 by being higher and having an already 385 in that slot(its an alternative piece). I have 385 due to having 400 azerite gear from raid, but if you got lower then 385 you gotta raid or M+