My guess is they are trolling now, just a heads up.
Agreed, I find it difficult to believe people could be this silly about this.
I’m getting trolled because the HEROIC raid you speak of doesn’t offer me any upgrades
M+ and Arena. Go get 'em.
Do mythic raiding… and if not then your fine because the content you do doesn’t require anything more at over 400 item level with mere competent skill.
I’m not asking for upgrades I’m asking for alternate pieces of gear
As I said. M+ and arena. Go get it.
Your quote.
They were supposed to make a change where spec choice mattered in randomized rewards.
Once you clear Heroic for the week you can’t just go raid more for 400 Azerite lol. Game doesn’t work that way. So if you need offspec shoulders you get 3 chances a week. You need one of those 3 bosses to drop loot for you (small chance) then you need that loot to be Azerite gear (also a small chance).
Someone else said it best, just remove the reforge cost on this crap system.
Not on Azerite gear. The OP is correct on this one piece of information. Azerite gear is pre-determined by RNG and the traits are pre-set depending on item ID, not spec.
My point was that if the other person wants to finish off a tanking / healing set, they should set their loot spec for off pieces like trinkets, and proper stats for non-azerite pieces, and then simply farm out the other ones.
Correct. But they’re saying nothing in the raid is an upgrade. So, arena and M+.
I agree reforge cost is out of control even after they nerfed it you can’t realistically reforge your gear
Everyone’s argument here against this suggested increase in rewards is all entirely viable. Blizzard wants you to do their content for the rewards you deserve. If you do Heroic then you deserve that Heroic gear because you put in that time to get that reward. They also stated they don’t really want you to have an easy way to gear your offspecs without actually putting in time to that spec. It’s why the rerolls for your Azerite pieces are so expensive.
Not to mention, all of the work that would require you to be decent at that spec requires a whole lot of minmaxing with simming and other things to get the BiS item for that spec/class combo. If you’re wanting Alternate pieces of gear then you should fully go look for whatever specific piece you want for that spec and try and do the content for it, not ask for some random emissary to give you a random piece of gear when those emissaries are pretty much a catch-up mechanic just like warfronts and other stuff. You know, that way you can do the content blizz wants you to do…
That is why its so out of control.
You’re not really supposed to. You’re supposed to gather multiple sets of gear. They were moving away from this in previous expansions but… Surprise!
He’s not looking for upgrades. He said he wants 400 Azerite for offspec so he doesn’t have to reforge his 400s and 415s when he wants to swap specs. I don’t like the idea of world quests giving that gear, I am much more in favor of getting rid of the horrible reforge costs.
I still think 385 is too low of a reward for the emissaries at this point in the patch
I’d be fine with this too.
However. Let’s take an example from one of your previous threads revolving around ML. Everybody gets 1 shot at a source for an upgrade a week, usually. That’s how raiding has always been. Now we have 3.
You have your M+ box. You have your arena box. And you have the raid. The OP has more opportunities at upgrades (to bypass the 'arbitrary item level they’re complaining about) + warfronts on their cycle, than ever before. We’ve never had this amount of accessibility, and they’re still complaining about wanting more.
I disagree with that.
The entire point of reforging being so expensive is because they want you to specifically put time and effort into getting these pieces you need to be a viable, and good DPS for that spec that you’re trying to gear. They didn’t find it fair that some random person who puts way less time should be able to just swap with no problem and do just as good as someone who actually mains that spec.
And, I respect this point of view. If you’re serious about playing that spec then you’ll do what literally everyone else does and put in time to farming the stuff you want for that spec to play it. It really isn’t even that hard, I’ve done it for both my main spec and offspec on my main, and I have geared all of my alts just fine.
Wouldn’t be surprised if this is an Activ… employee testing wether or not throwing even more gear at people for doing nothing would be well recieved.
Edit: Actiually, nah I have to correct myself, was to eager to answer. This isn’t an Activision employee, just someone very selfish.