Absolutely not. 400 item level gear is heroic raid gear. If you’ve done everything the world has to offer you then you do not need more gear to trivialize the world more. If you want better gear, go raid.
I can see nobody will take me seriously so I’m done here thanks for all your input I will just have to wait until the next patch.
I have all the raid gear already and I still want 400 azerite chests, so that I can build a healing and tanking set. What do you have to say to me?
Then go raid some more and collect offset Azerite pieces like everybody else.
Set your loot specialization to healing or tanking depending on the gear you want from the boss.
Correct. This person understands. Blizzard themselves have said the whole point to Azerite gear and the raid is to be the final end form of content (1 out of 3 of them). The other two are M+ and arena. The world is not included in this list. Set your loot spec to offspec, and collect offspec Azerite pieces.
It doesn’t matter what spec you are when you get your azerite gear?? What the hell are you smoking?
Nope, it doesn’t. But you do have to be in that spec to select the offspec pieces, which is what that person brought up. Setting the loot specialization will also grant them tanking / healing trinkets which are a necessary part of the kit.
You want people to support your request, but rather than make logical points in understanding, you proclaim other people must be smoking when they voice the obvious choice of action that has been the choice of action for every other expansion. Set your loot spec, go collect off pieces.
They actually have been heroic raiding.
Which is why they should keep doing it for the proper rewards. As I said, the world is not in the list of endgame activities. There’s arena / RBG’s, M+, or raiding. If they want heroic item level loot, they have to go through the same hoops as everybody else. The game certainly doesn’t need to be even more accessible.
You don’t have to change your loot spec and on top of that there’s only a few pieces of gear that are viable to use from either the raid or the mythic dungeon choices so actually emissary rewards would be great at a higher ilvl because it’s still random like blizzard loves
Incorrect because emissaries award the same exact pieces from dungeons.
And I know. I said change your loot specialization for trinkets for the proper spec you’re trying to gear.
World content is part of end game activity, it just maxes out at a lower level than raiding.
Which is why the emissary awards a lower level than raiding. Glad we got that covered. Can we go home now?
And most of the dungeon gear is actually garbage my dude, with terrible trait setups on most of the pieces. I’ve already bought 3 random 415 shoulders and finally got to keep 1 without disenchanting it.
Just wanted to make it clear WQs are also end game activities.
At 400+ you can do just about all the content. There is no reason to increase anything. If anything, go do content that rewards 400+ Azerite gear and then come complain about how random the drop chance is because that is the issue… not that things should be scaled up past 385 or some nonsense. We have enough ways to get welfare gear, and gear that matter, get Blizz to rework the randomness factor and go do content appropriate to what you are looking to get.
Don’t care. Blizzard’s failure systems aren’t an excuse to make the game more accessible. They’re an excuse to actually fix the game.
Why do I have to suffer this arbitrary ilvl restriction?
Cause you’re choosing to. You don’t have to if you actually go raid some more for proper traits, or do arena, or do M+ and hope you get those lucky 1 in however many upgrades. You’re not alone in this suffering. But, again. Fixing the game is better than making it even easier.
My paladin hit 120 a couple of days ago. In under 24 hours, she was 365 due to the amount of absurd catch-up mechanics in this game including warfronts, multiple world bosses, timewalking week, emissaries, etc.
What you consider an arbitrary item level restriction is irrelevant. Go do harder content for better gear. Not log in and putz around for 20 minutes for equivalent rewards as people who heroic raid.