Can we have RDF now?

Cata was a failure. It bled subs almost immediately and never recovered. Its also the beginning of retail that you all claim you hate so much.

Hmm when I played Orginal wrath I used RDF. Oh look, my achievements show a RDF achievement during Wrath 2010. Oh I guess you mean it did not come until patch 3.3., oh wait, we are playing patch 3.4.

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PvP is lively only because its one month out of literal years of gameplay where everything is encouraging you to play it. One week from now PvP will be back in its niche state regardless of the QoL changes. If anything it might be less popular than it was in TBC because there is far more rating gating in WotLK and less available BiS PvE gear.

You don’t make decisions based on a one month “event” that is vastly different from the rest of the game.

No it wasn’t. It was an incredibly success. It may have been a failure for YOU, but most games out there would kill to have Cata’s numbers. What successful game do you have that makes you view Cata as a failure?

Many attribute that to Wrath’s doing, not Cata’s. Wrath sowed the seeds.

Again, many consider Wrath the beginning of Retail. Furthermore, I don’t hate retail, and have never claimed as much. Please don’t attribute made up arguments to me, thanks.

Yet still, here we are, all the tools and changes to PvP to grow the player pool are being made.

Removing RDF cuts down that player pool. The LFG tool does nothing to increase it.

the forums forgot the “hey I need the giant in halls of stone and everyone skips it” topics.

you’ll remember.

Brilliant amazing well put. /bunperino

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