Can we have MoP classes back PLAESE!

Really? You would play Legion Feral over MoP Feral? I guess to each their own.


I’m not a Feral Druid.

Sorry my bad, I often forget “Bear” is its own spec now.

Loved MoP Warlock :heart_eyes:


Dude everything in MoP was so much fun, I can’t think of a class I did not enjoy playing…


Ever since MoP, in fact the amputation of Feral into 2 different specs was the #1 worst thing about MoP class design, by far.

MoP was not perfect, but it sure was a 100000X better than Anything that came out since then.

Then again no version of WoW has ever been “perfect” they all have flaws of some kind, just that MoP was super fun and every class spec was both viable and competitive.


Legion > Mists


For the volume of end game raid content and the pace of raid content; but that’s all it did well.

MoP stomped Legion for Class designs and for PVP in every single possible imaginable way.

The only real problem MoP PVE had was the annoying content gap at the very end of the expac; excluding that the PVE was actually really good.

IMO the world felt a lot better in MoP too… it was not an endless sea of green fel flavor… so sick of that crap.


It’s going to vary from spec to spec. Some specs were junk in MoP.

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Mmmmk, that’s just so descriptive.


Personally, no thank you. There are certain aspects about MoP class design that are okay and I would LOVE to see come back (an example being weapon choice for classes like Frost DK’s, Monks, Fury Warriors, ect) but there are also aspects I would rather not see return (Overly cluttered bars, far far far too many situational abilities for some classes/specs, very homogenized and “samey” feeling specs, everyone having interrupts, ect)

There are aspects from MoP I wouldn’t mind seeing come back but there were a lot of things about MoP’s class design that I really don’t like.

Oh man, please bring back Gladiator Warriors! Those were cool! Same with Dark Apotheosis Warlocks :slight_smile:

As someone who mained a Feral Druid at the end of MoP and the first two raids of WoD in a progression raiding environment, I 100% would prefer WoD and Beyond Feral to MoP Feral and how much snapshotting and how much of a balancing act it was. I know there are a lot of people who are into that kind of thing, it certainly was not for me. With that said, I have not really played too much Druid since WoD where I took a break mid Mythic BRF progression and then when I came back I changed classes to Paladin.

I would also not want MoP Retribution, Protection, or Holy Paladin back. I honestly really like all three specs of Paladin right now and how they play.

MoP Frost Dk, for me personally, I wouldn’t mind having back though.


But at the end of the day this is all subjective and very personal taste based. I know plenty of Paladins who want MoP design back purely because “EXORCISM!!1!” as if that move was the end all be all of Paladin and they are ruined without it.

Nah, personally, aside from a few specific points of interest in Class Design, as mentioned above, I would much rather have modern design over MoP.

With that said, pretty happy about the “depruning” of abilities shown at Blizzcon. Very cool to see Aura’s and Totems and such all coming back. I am really curious if they are bringing back maintained totems like “Strength of Earth” and “Searing Totem” or just bigger CD totems.

I will admit though, considering I am changing classes come 8.3, I hope Enhancement Shaman gets some love in 9.0. As far as I remember, Shaman were suppose to get some big class changes in 8.1 and it never happened so hopefully they get some changes in 9.0. I know they announced that there would be no major class changes in general but I hope that a few classes/specs get reviewed.

Modern design may not be perfect in some cases, but in general I prefer it.


Um… Don’t use that word here. its not allowed.


Eh, MoP is the reason the WoD prune happened. It was so dumb many specs had 3 similar redundant abilities. I’d take it over the absolute fiasco that is Bfa classes though.

Imo, Wrath or Cata classes please.


Balance Druid sucked in Mists. I didn’t like Resto much either. And it was the beginning of the downfall of Disc. I didn’t like half of my classes in Mists.

I do NOT want to relive that balance bar crap again.


Whine for 10 years straight you will have MoP servers .

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Was that back when you pushed the bar one way and then back towards the other?

Yeah I hated that. I felt like a Yo-Yo.

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I’d rather take the wrath version of all druid specs over the mop version.


I’ve always been of a mind that they could take pieces of the working parts of expansions, focus on content and balance over redesign, and come up with a really good game.

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Warlocks would need to be nerfed.