Can we get an unchanged version of this game?

I’m assuming you’re not talking about WoW Classic, but more or less… WoW retail uncensored?.. :thinking:

Yeah, i would like that as an option too. Atfer all, WoW has never exuded anybody from playing.

I thought he was talking about Sonic’s girlfriend, but then i noticed you called him that.


Well Blizzard has a habit of lying sometimes or breaking promises, so were gonna have to wait and see how they hold that up.

Just because you don’t care, doesn’t mean everybody else shouldn’t. Also you clearly do care if your bothered with people caring about them. :confused:

Wasn’t affecting game play before the changes either, and no one was jumping up and down about it UNTIL the caveman behavior and horrible pay in house was revealed.

And now, it’s a bunch of knee jerk deletions (distractions) that won’t change what was going on in house in anyway at all. It’s all a smoke screen.

That’s what will keep my wallet open, make public the changes made to benefit and protect the humans developing and supporting this game. If you don’t do this before the next expansion, it will be the first time I don’t preorder since Wrath.

really you think ‘sky is falling’ thinking or conspiracy thinking is intelligence?

playing on private servers isn’t ‘supporting’ the game

Not yet. But I wouldn’t be surprised at this point.

Stop false information. Read topic. Stop these personalised attacks. Then I will start replying to you normally.

hard to take you seriously when you have said you would quit before if they removed /spit in classic and then you didn’t.

Lets see, a lot of work, a lot of problems, and uncertain returns for a couple dozen subs that dont pay a day of cost, OR …

Change the game for what THEY WANT, keep a whole lot of players, and gain some in the process, those who did not play the game because they didnt feel comfortable in it. And that meaning a whole more than “a couple dozen people” who might even stop playing if they are “alone in a separate server”.

Hard to tell how little it is a compelling proposition.

I guess that is the intention of the changes in the first place.

World of Warcraft was released on November 7, 2004, bearing version number 1.1.0. The first patch (1.1.1) was released ten days later, on November 17, 2004. That is the date that an unchanged version of WoW ceased to exist.

Ok. I laughed.

I suppose it is the most adequate answer.

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No. Is that rhetoric the best response you can come up with? If you don’t stand with people when small things get removed noone will care enough to stand with you when something you care about is removed. Infact… people will cheer it on just to spite you.

These things have no place in the game. They stated they aren’t going to touch the transmogs which is what a lot of these are losing their minds over.

People who can’t correctly identify the reasons for things and then head off into ‘sky is falling’ territory because they can’t are just not intelligent.

people on this forum, generally, don’t care about anyone but themselves anyway - you have 12k posts, you should know that.

Nah now it’s suggestive /flirts and .jokes.

How dare a flirt be suggestive right…

Sheesh. World of ClubPenguin here we come.

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What’s with this trend of people arguing and supporting things being removed instead of things being added? it’s all backwards. I’m sorry a dwarf flirt make you icky uncomfy.

And it will get worst and worst from here. We have people defending these changes. Let’s see how it goes.

Not really. Not according to them even.

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While it is not very publicized by the people here, yes, there is an effort from the developers and based on actual player feedback to remove and change content.
Citing those articles people refrain from citing because it might go against their other aims, there is actually plenty of public statements on that direction:

“We know that in order to rebuild trust, we must earn it with our actions in the weeks and months to come,” Blizzard said. “But we go forward knowing that we share the same vision as our community about creating a place where people of all genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and backgrounds can thrive and proudly call home.”

“I feel sick that the game has numerous NPCs and stories with this guy’s name”, one player wrote on Blizzard’s forum. “I love WoW but I just can’t stand this.” On the WoW subreddit, there’s a thread calling for Field Marshal Afrasiabi to be removed from Stormwind City, and another in which a player uses the /spit emote on him.

Some people might criticize the intentions in speaking out, but spoken out it is being, nonetheless.

when you look at wow overall how many changes in the game have been good as shadowlands sits here id have to say not many thru the yrs yes some were but lack of players says alot these recent changes will be put on the side of terrible changes definitely when on/off option was fine.

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Wish more people had this mindset. World of Warcraft isn’t the big kid on the block anymore.

Sure, they make a boat load of money, but they do that by making more money per customer than before. So losing customers has a worse effect than before.

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If you want an authentic WoW experience, look to private servers.

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Right now that would not be possible as it would go against their reason for doing it (public opinion). Down the road anything is possible but for now there is no way they can backtrack on anything they have announced/changed. Will these changes help them? Probably minimally if at all but going back on them would be detrimental to their goals of these changes.

The best bet is to find a private server and play on that. I might start looking for one myself.