Can we get account wide ignore?

I’d say almost 20,000 replies is grounds for trying account ignoring :smiley: Also people who would rather report than just ignore and move on with their lives are looking for something else, not enjoying a game.

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this should be illegal :angry:

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its comprised mostly of the same few people, though.

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I want what you’re having. :grin:

And account wide ignores. Or Btags.

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What would it hurt to just put it in the game? Would it affect anything in a negative way? Maybe for the trolls who get off relogging 20 times to get a single reaction.

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It all depends on the context. Some cases it is a matter of choosing to ignore someone and not engaging, using the ignore feature to just block them out completely, or being paranoid in case Bad actors take things too far. Last night had one such sociopath attempt to publicly slander my name over Trade chat, that is very much a report situation rather than simply tuning it out.


I agree there’s report worthy interactions, but they are far and few between. 99% of the people are just annoying to the person, so ignore works to solve your problem. If it’s public and or just violent/hateful, then sure. But the report button isn’t used how it’s meant to be. People are well aware 4+ reports = a robotic suspension until you file three appeals to maybe get them to see you were abused by their system.

I agree. Especially the ones from Taco Bell

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Or they can just let us ignore people’s entire stable of characters.

Also I’m just going to point out that you are proposing whole subforums be created after having complained about the time and money that would need to be spent altering the ignore function.

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I need account wide ignore NOW because this person has just offended my very SOUL. Misquoting people, Ayu! I thought you were better than that smh

You should be ashamed. ASHAMED!

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Misinformation about how flagging works, and now conspiracy theories about gangs mass reporting people? This person is starting to sound like a certain panda. Or someone who believes streamers far too much.

And sorry, but some things should be reported. If you think people shouldn’t report outright bigotry/harassment/telling people to unalive themselves, then something somewhere has gone wrong with your moral compass.

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I’m not saying it actually exists because I haven’t seen it myself. However, I know of groups that join discords in order to post stuff about kids just to get that discord shut down and get the people there in trouble.

People like that DO exist. The only thing that makes them happy is trolling and harassing others, so a group of people who mass report people in game for no reason isn’t that far fetched.

Again, not saying it exists, just that it’s certainly possible.

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Oh that panda that compains about being reported? Yeah, sounds like them.


They have better grammar. Sounds like someone who had a few threads closed.


It’s a ridiculous thing to claim because that’s not how flagging works. Everyone on a server could flag someone and nothing would happen to that person as long as they’re not actually doing something against the terms of service. At most, they might get a squelch.

this isn’t a discussion about the ignore feature in game, this is just a discussion about the ignore features/system on the wow forums.

personally, i think the current ignore system functions perfectly fine, so i just don’t see any positives for blizzard to spend the money to implement it.

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A what? :thinking: I’ve never been reported (to my knowledge) so I’m really not sure how it works.

I was just going off the post I replied to above you that said 4+ reports is an auto silence until it can get looked at. Is that what you mean when you say squelch?

I apologize if I got it wrong, that wasn’t my intention :sweat_smile:

Says the person posting on an alt. I know what I’m talking about.

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And where is your sources to this?

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