Can we get account wide ignore?

hello friend, i was just reading this post of yours… could you possibly explain it to me?

it seems as though it is a trolling or non-constructive post, would i be correct in that assumption?

thank you so very much for your time, my wonderful friend :slight_smile:

I mean I’ve switched characters before mostly out of boredom. But yeah, sock puppeting, specifically the act of using alts to bump a topic or invite a flame war, is the text book definition of sweat.

Like, people really come on here to talk to themselves and stroke their own ego, genuinely makes me want to puke.


Definitely agree that if someone is swapping alts TO violate the rules it should be punishable…though I dont know if i saw that on the CoC list there specifically.
But it should be about the violation itself, not the alt swapping alone, because we are allowed to do that.

well it’s obviously always dinner time

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Look at him:


It is always 5’oclock somewhere :sob:


Awww, how cute :dog:

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hmm. does this picture of a dog have anything to do with the topic of account wide ignores? or is it a non-constructive post?

clearly starving

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Lord. We busted one guy in here maybe two years ago? three?
he was posting on NO LESS than ELEVEN alts talking to himself, liking his posts, etc. lmao.

how desperate for attention does someone have to be to do that? lol

well i would like to personally thank everyone who helped support my position that account wide ignores is not good for the forum because it creates problems with privacy of information.

thank you all so much for your input, i had a lovely time discussing this with you all :slight_smile:

Oh lord, don’t get me started, my dog is way cuter than your dog.

Feed him. It is always 5’oclock somewhere.

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Account wide ignore.

It can be done without showing btags.

Oh yeah? How cute is your dog?!

I mean the forum is hardly that bad to begin with. I think anyone being honest with themselves can see that fact. This is a pretty laid back forum and at its worst isnt 1% as bad as the dumpster fire that is Twitter/ X lol.

But personally, Im not opposed to a two way block where I dont see them, they dont see me.

I’ll let you in on a little secret here:

I have 2:


Oh dangit. That’s a cute one.

But feast your eyes on this dude:


Meanwhile me with only 2 beautiful kitties


hello friend… i just wanted to ask you about your post.

how does this picture of a dog contribute to a meaningful discussion of the topic of the thread: Account-wide ignores?

why didn’t you post the picture on the forum here like the other two people?