Can we get account wide ignore?

I’m done…

Dear Asteroid,
Please come home.


I actually support this. sort of.


Also talking about Witch Hunts. Forum Witch Hunts in a nutshell…

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Although, the forums as of late have been a lot more “Bring out your dead”

Are you admitting right here right now that you’re blacklisting and alt stalking? I mean, if you think that is happening, then it must mean you’re the one doing it.


I think what he might mean is when our side swaps alts your side has harassed when you figure out who we are.
I can personally attest this.
Someone Im not going to name/call out here followed me around to about 4 or 5 threads just making insulting remarks. Not contributing to the discussion at all, just there to make smartmouthed comments at me over disagreeing with you all on a few of these threads.

Theres no reason to pretend it doesnt happen. It does.
I know it does because ive swapped alts and had your group figure it out in a fair span of time and start doing stuff like that.
You can see it in the last thread (maybe this one, I havent read it all) where one person in particular on your side keeps naming our posting alts maliciously and for no VALID forum purpose.

If thats what Ard is referring to, Im sorry but Ive got to agree with him on that detail

So Im 100% FOR an account wide block that goes BOTH ways to stop this childish nonsense.
If that person cant see me when I block them, they have nothing to spew the hate at to begin with and then the thread doesnt need to be locked

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Let’s not pretend you’re the victim here.

Your side punched first, then hid and sockpuppeted to continue punching when we asked why?


and thats why I have some on ignore. lol
Not trolling me today

If you find your own history offensive, why did you take that course of action?

First of all, there is no sides. There is no us vs them. We’re all own person with our own opinions.

Some have swapped between alts to use to sockpuppet, which have been called out on. There has been no harassment towards people’s alts. Because if there was, Blizzard would’ve been quick to intervene, and people would’ve been banned for harassment, which has not been happening.

Trust me when I say Blizzard is quick on any sort of harassment.


based on how often i see this “our side” and “your side” or “the other side”, really makes me cringe a bit.

i’m not sure where this attitude (belief?) stems from.

if people believe there are “sides”, then this is probably the root of the paranoia which is being displayed.

it’s a case of “if you’re not with us, you’re against us!”

(meanwhile, there are a ton of folks who don’t have an opinion either way)


I think it started from “Anti’s vs Pro’s” from the High Elf threads that circulated to the Dungeon Finder threads in the Classic forums to BattleTag threads here in GD :dracthyr_shrug:

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Clearly in this topic there are sides…everyone has made that clear. “that side” “them” “they”…its all been made into us and them over a dozen threads or more.
Which is why this keeps getting shut down.

I do agree on that, obviously. Ive seen it myself after noticing when your group has pointed it out.
The off issue there is, as I pointed out, EVEN WHEN I have swapped alts, nearly every time to do as the blue said and get away from the forum stalking, a few of your group has continued it in a very trolling fashion, coming into other threads just to make personal remarks…the same that we see in these threads hundreds, likely thousands of times over the course of a dozen threads.

There is no point in denying it. Im just making a point here. It happens. It needs to stop.
If your side sees someone who has swapped alts, IGNORE them unless they ARE doing it to keep things going with you after you blocked them. Dont do the ad hominem thing for the sole reason you see an alt, which seems to be an ongoing thing here.
Im 100% for account wide blocks to deal with that type of behavior to stop it from being a thing.
obviously, I personally want two way blocks so, as we can see in the last posts in here, I block someone but they keep posting at me, likely in a way thats going to help get the thread closed if we continue.

Once again, there is no sides. My god, we’re not school yard children trying to pick a side on who is the better school yard bully.


They always forget my side of laughing at the other sides.

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Im not going to argue some detail and be drawn into getting this thread shut down lol
All we have to do to see the ‘sides’ here in this topic is read this thread…the last thread and the 10 before it.
Not even sure why this is even a point of contention, to be honest, we can SEE the two sides of the argument here. But Im not allowing it to draw me back into the aggressive posting. I’ll ignore you first.

for reference…took like 3 seconds to search once I got to looking

Just so we understand that yes…there ARE ‘sides’ here…anti btag and pro.
I really dont understand why this particular point was even made into an issue.

Just because one person says it, doesn’t mean it is a fact.

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Yes it does.
I had maybe a dozen posts restored in one day a few btag threads back.
Unless punishments are handed out for abusing the flag, they’ll just keep doing it.
Another reason for unified accounts …so ONE account can flag a post ONCE. Not 17 times.

Give the kid a book of matches, the house gets burned down. It was inevitable.
They need to remove the flag entirely from sight.
Put in a up/down vote, but dont allow it to actually DO anything, but show just the number of votes either way.
Again…ONE account, ONE vote there too.
STuff the report then, about 6 clicks in. Make it easy to find but make sure its enough clicks that no one can claim the ‘accidentally’ used the report.
Then if its false, you know its intentional.
A warning the first offense.
3 days for the second.
30 days for each subsequent false flagging the account does.