Hey this is wow after all. Magic do exist
I see so many “view hidden replies.” Can I take a guess, it is the fox that makes useless post?
I’m suprised bloodypaws would compliment blizzard like this give his posting history.
He has basically claimed blizzard has created some holy 1 in a million sanctuary of pure bliss and unicorns that would die if it was tainted by the same way every other forum ever works.
Anyways, daily support for account wide ignores, account wide likes, account wide flags, account wide total post count, and account wide trust levels.
Should be one account, not how ever many alts we can delete and recreate.
I had to finally put the clamps on that one.
I disagree.
all you need to do, is just make sense.
even one time.
no repetition would be required.
if 15 people put 15 other people on ignore, posts don’t cease to exist.
opinions can’t be quashed.
there is no “hivemind” or echo chamber.
there are still the same number of people posting.
Now that’s gonna be hard for them.
If these forum changes go through, that’ll change.
sure, account wide ignore is perfectly acceptable as long as the hidden messages feature would be removed as i detailed earlier.
no it won’t
Evidence of black listing and alt stalking is already present on this forum.
No it isn’t.
It is present in the previous topic that was removed from GD.
You disagreeing is irrelevant when all evidence proves you wrong, the very very long list of forums that aren’t dead and also use account ignores.
Vs your evidence of… nothing?
No it wasn’t. People noticed the alts sock puppeting the thread and trying to create an echo chamber. That’s not stalking, it’s just paying attention to what’s going on.
And I’ve seen no blacklists, not that anyone could make a blacklist for these forums.
In my case, you would see none of my alts in the last topic.
Hello bloodypaws?