Can we get account wide ignore?

Someone was going around impersonating a regular on the forum while also insulting them in really gross ways. I looked to see if they were still around this morning and every single post they made was gone today, even the ones where they weren’t lashing out at anyone. Whoever was behind that is probably sitting on a nice long vacation.

I think that people think that if they get up to shenanigans at night or over the weekend they’ll be good to cause havoc for a few days, but I’ve seen people getting yoinked even in the middle of the night, during holidays, on the weekends if they were being far enough out of pocket. Stuff can be and is escalated for immediate action, which is kind of a jerk move, making the forum support reps log in during off hours.


solution was - 2 way ignore with the option to unignore . if unignore selected, a cooldown of a week before it kicks in. this gives both sides the chance to calm down.

Oh, it was nuts.


it wouldnt but thered be a cooldown if you as the ignored selected to unignore the person who ignored you and same for the person doing the ignoring

Oh it was super bad.

But that still lets people shadowban you from the thread.

It’s also not super effective if it can be easily bypassed by logging out.

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well i only suggested it because i have made a point not to ignore others, even if they insult or berate me by referring to me from behind the safety of their ignore. all it would really do is absolve me of having to manually ignore them, myself.

That is a choice you are free to make. But your choices should have no impact on what others can see or post.


it would only be between you (the person who was ignored) and the person who ignored you. it would not effect what others see. thats why its a two-way ignore.

It literally dictates what another person can see. What are you on about?


how? its the same thing as two people putting each other on ignore.

So I should be able to force you to ignore me?

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You are forcing the other person not to see your posts. It means that you could start a trash thread about the person you ignored and they would not see it.

If they don’t want to see you then that is their own decision, not yours to make.


well thats why i said you both would have the option to unignore, but thered be a cooldown before it kicked in. i see your point though

but i can make it now by ignoring them back, once they ignore me.

Right now you have no idea who has you on Ignore. The forums don’t tell you. You have to make an Ignore decision yourself and it ONLY controls what YOU see.

It does not, and should not, force someone else to ignore your posts.

It won’t do that anyway because that is not how the forum software works so it is a moot point. So you won’t get a change to how it works to make it force an ignore.


The problem with putting people on ignore is; you miss what they say next.

well account wide ignores arent a thing yet either, though i think it should be since alt posting is a problem area

On the WoW forums, no. However every other Blizzard forum the Ignore is at the Battlenet level so the software most certainly can do that.


hehe. thats why i dont put people on ignore. cuz folks are fascinating but when someone has you on ignore, and you still post to them, you can get in trouble