Can we get account wide ignore?

It takes away my choices. It’s up to me to decide who I want to see or not see.
No one else should have the right to change what I see.


Not really.

As the toxicity is derived from things like not having AotC, M+ scores or loot from RNG.

You know the real reason he doesn’t want it is because he’s trying to build up rep for a new allied race

Forum Troll

Okay. Ard. My guy. That is not where the toxicity here on the forums comes from lol. The mental gymnastics there are wild. You watched, just like all of us last night the reason why everything should be Btag, and not characters.

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Are you saying you have undeniable proof that there is no other source of toxicity except what you say it is?

Seems like a big leap.

can you explain? how exactly would btags have “fixed” anything that happened last night?

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Another highlight from last night’s ‘discussion’: Ard proving chivalry isn’t dead by white-knighting for the confessed sockpuppeting harasser.

I can, in fact. They would not have been able to hide behind an imposter character. They would have their Btag for all to see exactly who it was.

You have no proof of your own claims. Regardless, your own massive leaps in logic outshine any I have ever made by miles. Thinking that in game achievements are why the forums are toxic is a monstrous stretch.


Even Stretch Armstrong can’t stretch as far as Ard does lol.

no to btags, yes to other options AND better moderation.
if anything moderation needs to be priority because things like the imposter thing went on way longer than it needed to. even if we had btags, we would still needed to wait for someone to shut that thread down.
the mods are SO bad bc its mainly automatic.

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Yeah, after last night, the forums should be looking at having BattleTags right under with our avatars. I do admit, nobody on the forums helped, we all keeped posting in the threads and giving them the attention. But with how bad it got, yeah, it just proves why the forums need to include the BattleTags.


FORUM MODERATION IS NOT AUTOMATED!!! I honestly can’t say that enough. If it was automated the bad threads and posts would actually be removed fast instead of having to wait for a human to get in and review the flags.

Forum auto functions:

  • Grey out a post if it gets reported by 4 or 5 char-accounts
  • Send an auto message to the poster telling them their post was hidden
  • Send them an auto message telling them if their post was unhidden, or an action applied.

Forum Mod Functions

  • Edit or delete posts
  • Edit or delete threads
  • Penalize posters with suspensions or forum account perma ban

This is a VERY small team and not really around at night unless they borrow EU folks. Depends on who has what shift, or is awake and working past work hours. I have seen moderation when I know the person is technically off work.

This is what I want so badly!!! Of course with that comes account wide TL3, likes, flags, post history, post count, Ignore, etc.

Indeed… I was reading and did not post because if I do it becomes even worse - GREEN flagged. I could switch to an alt, but I am not supposed to do that really.


If we had our btags appended to our posts, that thread wouldn’t have existed, because impersonation wouldn’t be possible.

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I won’t say impossible, but it is a lot harder to do. We had someone try it on the D3 forum. They created a Battletag and avatar that copied another poster. To do this they also had to have purchased the game on that Bnet account. Then they went and tried to impersonate the other poster, and post things that would draw negative attention to the real one.

It did get dealt with. Perma name change, long vacation. The person has many Bnets and many many WoW licenses though in addition to the Diablo licenses. People like that are rare though.

It does not solve the whole problem, but it solves a huge percent of it. Makes pulling off an impersonation a lot harder to do.


And a lot more expensive. Eventually it will dry up said people’s funds.

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You’d think that, but you’ll be surprised…


Eh it will get to the point that the cost of doing it doesn’t outweight the…payoff? What do these people even get in payoff for doing it? Other than of course the disgusting satisfaction they get.

One thing with people trolling is that it is just people who seek attention. And they’ll look at the Blizzard forums, because they know they can get away with so much here. Well, until the moderation actually does something, but still.

When you look at a lot of other forums, moderators in those forums would be quick on the ball to deal with any behaviour. Where Blizzard, the moderation mostly takes upon via player reports. Now, one could argue that the forums need better moderation, but it isn’t the moderation that is the problem, especially when there is an extremely large community at bay, but the the community in feeding the attention to the trolling.

Yes, I am extremely guilty of this too. But what keeps reinviting the trolls here is that the community will give that attention to the trolling, and only a small handful would be reporting the trolling for moderation view.


If it were automated, do people really think that moderation/ticket queues would be very long?

Also, sounds like some chaos went down last night.