Can we get account wide ignore?

interesting. so could either party intiate the ignore removal? for example, someone ignores you, the 2 way kicks in and notifies you. at that point, as the person being ignored, you could opt out of the ignore and still see the posts of the person ignoring you

Not sure when that was. I personally don’t remember seeing it, otherwise I would of said something there too. But this one is very actively being an impersonator, trying to drag down the real Rosen.


Yeah though still have some kind of cool off period.

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Because it didn’t happen. They are making it up.

Can even try and look through the entire thread.


That’s a lot of thread to dig through to find it lol. Think I’ll just take your word on it this time xD


Still hanging onto that?

Explains the distain for me I suppose.


OMG, this is priceless! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :rofl: :cupid:

Good morning all. I see multiple reasons overnight to have Bnet wide settings like the other forums.

  • The impersonation thread that is done to mock and harass.
  • The Trust Level 3 complaints. I THINK they finally removed the TL3 permanent access for some people who were part of a Beta group. It was being applied account wide to all WoW chars, did not require meeting requirements, and did not get removed if someone was penalized. I THINK that got fixed and group permissions were adjusted, or something. I base this on complaints that some folks lost their TL3 that they were not supposed to have.

Granting a group access permission for the duration of the Beta so they can post images/video feedback is one thing, but it was not supposed to be a permanent account wide thing. Of course, changing the forums to Bnet backend permissions would at least give consistent TL3 access back for those who earned it on one char. It would only go away if their participation dropped or they got suspended.


On the topic about that, I wonder why the forums have been sort of in a bit of a buggy state, because of some of the fixes involved with the forums, including to the pernament Beta ranks for people.

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The delayed notifications had nothing to do with a change in group permissions to the Beta group incorrectly giving some people perma TL3.

It IS buggy, but the TL3 thing is not related I don’t think. I really do think that is just them finally fixing the permissions groups.

Ah ok. Well, atleast something is being fixed.

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Sort of… see the Website Bug Report thread. Sendryn brings up a good point that their Sendryn char is very active so should meet the TL3 requirements. It may be they fixed the Beta group permissions - but that if someone is still in that group (that no longer has those permissions) it over rides their normal posting char permissions.

The forum works off permissions set at the group level so what permissions you have depends on what group you are in. It can be a bit odd at times I suspect. I don’t know all the details of it.

Anyways, it is late, and I am tired, and I also got a windows update, so here is my evening support for account wide ignores, flags, likes, trust levels, total post count.


Still really hoping for this outcome


It will eventually happen, I just don’t know when. Blizzard, despite being the name of a fast moving powerful storm, actually moves much more like a glacier.

Getting priority, funding, and green light to have the forum software vendor make the changes is a REALLY slow process, even when you have buy in from the folks responsible for the forums. It is not an emergency keeping people from logging in, buying something in the store, or part of a for profit game release :confused:


Just the bitter kiss of reality.

Toxic free forums doesn’t make money.

This is Ard acknowledging that the forums are toxic, and that the changes being asked for would help address that toxicity.

And since Ard is still adamantly opposed to these changes, the only logical conclusion is that he prefers the toxicity for some reason. What is that reason, Ard?


So you want the people you claim to be harassing you because they disagree with you to be able to (on their own), shadow-ban you from any thread they create, thus silencing your ability to give your opinion on that topic?

You’re forgetting option B: We’re dealing with an illogical being who’s blinded by his own hatred of anything that could possibly benefit a player that’s not him.

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