Can we get account wide ignore?

And there is another thread now proving to why it needs to be more than just account wide ignores. In that, this other thread is the reason it also needs to be our BTag underneath our names.


well i didnt know that it was wrong to post on the forums to a person who was yelling at me about elves. but once they told me it was harassment, then i stopped talking to them. so far in this thread ive been ignored twice, called a rock, and other not so friendly things for expressing how frustrating it is that people who have me on ignore can harass me in subtle digs, accusations and insults and if i respond, i run the risk of being a harasser. you cant make this up

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I may have found the problem you are having with these people.


Which destroys their entire argument.

Don’t forget the part where you continued to respond to someone who had already ignored you, AND had already threatened to report you for bypassing their ignore.


well i didnt know i couldnt post on the forums to people who were still yelling at me. i would even identify myself if on an alt.

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I’m almost positive that isn’t the defense you think it is. But yeah, this is pretty pointless and circular.

Add me to the list of people that have added you to theirs.


ok, it happened on a helf.velf customizations thread. the person who was mad, was mad about velfs getting helf customizations. i disagreed with withholding customizations (like velfs still have no new hairstyles after 5 years), it went downhill from there.

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Literally nobody cares. Have the night you deserve.


wow. thread is depressing

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Don’t worry about them, I care.

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I think you just need to give the mods a small amount of trust here that they have some commonsense and can do a reasonable job arbitrating. If somebody is goading you into getting banned, I doubt it’s going to work out well for them. Just relax and trust the system a little bit, you know?

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Correct! Trying to get someone else banned just to be malicious is very against the rules.

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guess we could have our own version of the thread as the amount of people being ignored rises, we can add them to our conversation.

so what do you think, should account wide ignores apply to both parties when an ignore is activated?

It would stop the conflict so sure thing.

Plus even if it was only one way, posters could still be isolated if that ignore was coordinated.

not sure i understand

Two way ignore would effectively shut down all communication between two users but if one user knows other users they could tell them to block that user too, essentially isolating the users posts regardless of them having the ability to do still post outside of the “circle” so to speak.

I see it as unnecessarily divisive, reinforcing some of the tribal behaviors already exhibited thorough-out WoWs bones as a game. Though having to choose between a one way ignore and a two way ignore I see the two way ignore as better since all avenues of communication have been cut though a failsafe would have exist so if someone takes another off the ignore then they can’t see their posts for say a week.

It all sounds so dreadfully time consuming and costly for Blizzard to implement when you think about it.

Says the one impersonating another person, which is very against the forum rules as well.


You love calling the kettle black, don’t you Kiper. Let me guess, you started impersonating as Rose because you were caught out with your attacks on Rose in the LGBTQ+ megathread. You pretend to leave on Kiper so you can pretend that when you do come back from any forum suspension, you can act like you were taking a break?

You know impersonation could even go for a pernament suspension from the forums without being warned.


no one said anything when someone was impersonating me a while ago on a btag thread lmao. there’s another bout of impersonations going on anyway. talonel clones too and some other reg.

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