Can we get account wide ignore?

You shouldn’t be mentioning who you have on ignore at all…or trying to police my posts with flags.

ok , the ignore option. if you use it account wide, against me, you’re not censoring me. but if the system uses it account wide against you in response, its censoring you. we are the only 2 people involved. i could use it against you and you wouldnt call it censoring. but if the system does it automatically, its censoring. i guess i dont understand why you would want me to see your posts if you have me on ignore

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It’s like the thread is hosting a contest to see who can use the dumbest logic.


You’re about to BE on my ignore, and I’ll get a nice list of your other characters to add. You trying to say that ignores should be both ways is not how it should, or has ever worked. Either way I am not debating with a rock any further.


Yeah, but no one has been able to beat the “But forum ignore RP will be destroyed if you do that” logic so far.

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This. I also have Ard on my ignore list. That just means I don’t care to see what he has to say anymore. I shouldn’t have the ability to limit what he sees or says, though.


Nah, the 10k+ posts do that on their own haha

Seriously though, yeah no one should be censored just cause someone else ignored them.

oh i understand this but if i can get in trouble for responding to a post of someone who has me ignored, it almost seems like a trap to dangle their posts in my view, like bait on a stick, expecting so much self control in a public forum seems dubious but i do understand the position

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That’s on you for thinking that. Just because you have no self-control, doesn’t mean whatever inane dribble you think needs to happen should. And with this, you are going to be joining the clown


You can either exercise some self-control and not hop alts to continue a dialog the other person has opted out of by ignoring you, or you can suffer the consequences of bypassing that ignore.

You are not going to get into trouble for hopping alts to show off their transmogs, but you’re apparently using that doesn’t an excuse to push someone’s button.

And if you are simply unable or unwilling to control your own behavior, it is absolutely appropriate for Blizzard to do it for you by removing you from the temptation.


an impossible situation since people can push buttons just by disagreeing. conversation happens. debates happen. tempers/egos/tribalism flares and flags/ignores start flying. oh well carry on

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Impossible for you, perhaps. Most normal people, though, will stop talking to someone that chooses to stop listening to them.

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I’m so glad you edited that. I was like “Sypress…what? THE HECK DOES THAT MEAN?!” Along with much internal screaming of confusion. xD

Yeah, I’m on my phone, AND multitasking… :flushed:

It is okay. Phones are bad about it. But now I wanna know the conversation that had Sypress-Cenarion-Circle in it hahaha

Pretty sure I just fat-fingered my way into another thread mid-post. My guess is that I managed to highlight someone’s avatar and drug it back here.

which i did. but you understand, i did because they asked me to under threat, so now my forum experience is smaller, and i’ve gained 2 more ignores in this thread, just for asking for account wide ignores be applied to both the ignorer and the ignored.

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That could be yeah. Still got a chuckle out of me lol. A good bit of levity amongst the stupidity we dealt with earlier.

Again, normal people don’t need to be threatened before they stop talking to someone they know isn’t listening.