Can we get account wide ignore?

But you’re the one who said it is debatable. I asked you a question, now you don’t want to answer?

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and its an old debate regarding high elves/void elves/blood elves, alliance vs horde so years of debates

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I love that we now have three posterchildren for why this feature is desperately needed.


i wasnt talking to you, i was referring to naughty and i having debates.

Yeah that’s not how it works.

Why do you continue to respond to them to continue the conversation that led to them ignoring you? If they decide to report your continuing behavior, your going to get your wish, and Blizzard will remove your ability to respond to them, and everybody else.

Ask Ard how much fun it is having your forum access suspended.

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Then take the hint from Naughty, he DOES NOT WANT TO DEAL WITH YOU. A few of the rest of us might have been willing to deal with you, and debate with you, but now you have just proven you don’t want to debate with anyone willing to, you want to debate just with Naughty and no one else will do.

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But I have every right to respond to your post, whether you weren’t talking to me or not. But the fact that you’re bringing up old topics into this thread that has no relation to those old topics, as to admitting on circumstating ignores…

You are part of the problem!

Well, I can be bothered interacting with you anymore. /ignore

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Hyper. You have in the past made posts outright stating that you swapped alts because you thought I had you on ignore.

Also, the bye elf discord has pretty much fizzled out, I may be the person checking it most just because there’s a handy channel with lore references I use when I need to cite something.


odd considering i said i agree with account wide ignores but shouldnt it automatically make it so the person being ignored no longer sees their ignorer’s posts? i mean if you can get in trouble for responding, seems only fair

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It’s fair to try and control what everyone else sees? No. You have that real twisted.

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Anyone else wishing that if the last post, currently, is one you have ignored yo udon’t get the notification?

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I wish that all the time. I come in here seeing that little blue bubble, only to find out it was likely just Arfmcclown that posted. Very disappointing, really.


i;m not talking about everyone else. for example, you put me on ignore, so the system makes it so i cant see you and you cant see me. everyone else can see you

Even if it was after the point where the ignored are hidden, not even a “show ignored content” option it would be nice.

I think my favorite part of this evening’s festivities is Ard liking posts openly claiming support for account-wide ignores. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Reads last 24hrs worth of posts


my fav part was where i was ignored for agreeing

I think we’ve past the point where any argument here could be taken seriously.

No, you’re trying to censor those that are ignored. That’s not the same at all. Just because I have say Ard on ignore doesn’t mean I don’t want him to see what I say. That’s not how it works, and not how it should EVER work.

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