Can we get account wide ignore?

Honest truth I’d just like to see when a person I have ignored quoted alll I see is ignored content .

Don’t care if those tha’t don’t have the person ignored see what they have to say

Looks to me that account-wide ignores will fall through since you have an investment against people you ignore.

Nullifying any practical use it has.

Guess what. They don’t actually have the power to do much about it save for flag you as harassing. If no one else sees it as harassing, then the single flag means nothing. If they flag you with multiple characters, however, that is them breaking forum rules to try and get you suspended and is easily reverse, and they will have the punishments accordingly to their transgressions. No one has any right to say what you can and cannot say here. They can ignore you, and if they continue to interact, then that’s on them.

they have a discord group who have a similar position on a forum subject (high elf /void elf customizations). the topic is a hot potato and has been since legion expac). disagreement on the subject has lead to all manner of flag bombs. i dont participate in flagging or ignoring so its driving bonkers to be hushed up so effectively

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No, it’s not.

They don’t get to dictate what our who you can reply to. They can decide not to interact with you, but as long as you’re not intentionally circumventing their ignore, there’s nothing more they can do.

With account-wide ignore, they would be ignoring not just your one character, but every character on your account. It wouldn’t be possible for to circumvent their ignore, intentionally or inadvertently, unless you created another WoW license (and funded it) on a completely different account.

I’m just going to speak out on this subject because the person you are both talking to is talking about me, the whole reason I took issue with her is because she has continuously told me how bad I am, how awful I am, how mean I am, etc. because I don’t support what she does and so I ignored them, then they toon hopped to continue interacting with me after I told them I ignored them and acknowledged knowing I ignored them and then repeated that six more times until I said I’d open a ticket for harassment if they bypassed my ignores again because that was why they were jumping from character to character and I have the screenshots saved and everything to prove it if needed.

They can reply to my posts all they want when I’ve ignored them it doesn’t mean they have the right to jump toon to toon to bypass the ignore so I have to reply to them or see it.


i already said i agree with this. i just think the system should automatically set it so the person being ignored also cant see the people ignoring them,so you dont end up replying to them and get accused of harassment by their friends

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Please no, I do not want green notifications saying I’ve been ignored. Bad enough still dealing with daily green notifications of post being flagged and restored.

I don’t care if people chose to ignore me on the forums, I just don’t want to have to deal with notifications all the time telling me I’ve been ignored.


Worse if someone has ignored you and you know they ignored you but you keep seeing their posts and it bothers you so much ignore them back, it’s really that simple and then you don’t see their posts anymore either.


So yeah they are just actually another Lilithia with the toon hopping to get around ignores. And then try to demonize someone for ignoring them. I figured that was the case after their first post here.


i dont flag or ignore people. i think your topics are debate worthy. bugs me i cant debate ya anymore but life goes on

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Congratulations, you are the new poster child for account-wide ignores. Your admitted (and apparently documented) circumvention of another player’s ignore is exactly why account-wide ignore is needed and necessary.


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How exactly is account wide ignores debatable? I want account wide ignores so people don’t switch alts to bypass ignores. There is no debate on that. People have every right to ignore people, for any to no reason at all. And nobody here has any right to use alts to purposely bypass ignores.


it is not circumvention when you alt hop to post a mog, then identify yourself when you return to the thread.

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They have a legit concern about other posters ganging up on somebody they don’t like.


Do you really want to debate the topic or are you just seeking attention and it bothers you when you lose one that has been giving it to you?


that was a response to naughty

it was a response to naughty

So? it was in this topic which others respond to, and you just damaged the view some of us have of you because we replied to you and you made it sound like you just want to talk with naughty,

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