Can we get account wide ignore?

Ahh here we are. Back to the Lilithia style logics. Or lack thereof.


which is what i do. the problem is, we frequent similar topics and i can reply to everyone else but not the person who has me on ignore and sometimes that person has the best posts to reply to. i dont ignore or flag posts and this has been my position since legion expac, when i first became active on the forums

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whats this mean?

There’s always another one, I hate saying that but it’s true.

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I would just not reply to them, reply to everyone else since you know you’re ignored.

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I’m talking about your lack of actual, tangible reason for not having account wide ignore. If those “buddies” of someone you have ignored decide to go harass you, guess what? You can ignore and report them for it too. It’s a weird thing, I know. A feature that is literally on every other forum ever in creation being here on the only forum ever that doesn’t.

Regardless, I’m not going to keep engaging another Lilithia in here.

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thats what i do. not easy, mind you. like the ignorer can make accusations, but i cant respond or else its harassment

i dont do that. i also dont flag posts.

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Then that’s your own fault for not using the tools available to you.


i dont mind it, i just think it should automatically apply to the person who ignored, since its a form of harassment if the ignored replies

So you want to be able to control what other people see by ignoring said people? I want you to tell me exactly how you think in any world that would ever work well. Because then you have the people outraged for forced censorship.

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no. what i’m saying is, i dont think i should be able to see the posts of someone who has me on ignore, since it would be considered harassment if i replied to them

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Not really. A reply is a reply. If you are actively going out of your way to harass them, that’s harassment. If your replies are relevant, then it isn’t harassment.


in a perfect world. maybe

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So you’re just going to be another wall of flawed, barely reasonable logic. So yeah. Legit another Lilithia and therefore not worth the time of day sitting here trying to explain to you how it should actually work. Got it.


Then yes, you are saying you want players to be able to limit what others can see or say.

If enough people in your transmog thread were to ignore you, it would effectively exclude you from participating, because you wouldn’t be able to see any of their posts, let alone reply to them.



I’m inclined to agree but consider if we each had our respective ignore lists and it fully ignored someone so you couldn’t see their messages or even attempt to reply to it, it would get very confusing or very quiet if half the forum is on the other half’s ignore list.

It’s probably not feasible but it would be cool if ignore was an absolute, final ignore and you couldnt respond to people you apparently ignored. You see stuff now like what’s going on in this thread where people are essentially bullying others and using ignore (or at least announcing it every time they interact with them) as a tool to do so.

Account wide ignore would be great even if it functioned on the forums similar to how it does now, in that at least no matter what toon a player tried to jump on they would still appear as hidden.


I would also like some way to automatically un-ignore people who weren’t gnomes when I ignored them but changed into gnomes. If they are gnomes now, I can probably get over it. probably


I think a feature like that would solve all the forums issues problems!

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which is what is happening to me. one of the people in this thread has me on ignore. then posts stuff i would ordinarily reply to but cant because that person has asked me to not interact with them. they accused me of harassment because i actively alt hopped to the mog thread and then replied to them on the alt. i usually identified myself though so they knew who i was but that doesnt matter because they ignored me on one char, they didnt want me talking to them on my alts or otherwise i was harassing them.

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