Can we get account wide ignore?

i dont block, ignore or flag people. but if someone has me on ignore and they post in a thread and i can see their post, its really not pleasant to not be able to reply, so really, if someone’s ignoring me, i shouldnt be able to see them either. account-wide

Reason why ignores shouldn’t actually be 2 way, because this can cause for harassment and more bad cases of trolling from people within the forums. Case in point:

If the ignore switched to being 2 way, and lets say I had a problem with someone on the forums, I could chose to ignore every forum user, and then start outright using the forums to harass the users or troll them. And since the ignore is 2 way to where they can’t see my post, it means they won’t be able to report it for Blizzard moderation.

I think ignore should only work 1 way, be be account wide.


makes sense but the problem is if it isnt account wide, and you see their post and react to it, they think you’re harrassing them if you post on an alt they dont have on ignore. i have 14 years of wow chars. i’m maxxed out chars. i have to delete chars to make new ones lol. and i use the rate transmogs thread here alot so i’m always alt hopping to get new mogs rated. end result, someone who’s ignoring me thinks i’m trying to bypass their ignore.

so i see their post and have to pretend its not there lol its very unpleasant

Let anyone think anything. In the end, it is a forum, and people can react to anything, to certain point.

How ever, the point where it does become a problem is if you continue using alts to reply to the person if they chose to ignore, because that can fall under as Harassment, even if you didn’t know they had you on ignore. But 2 way ignores should not be a thing, because as I mentioned in this post, people can then use that 2 way ignore to cause more problems on the forums. And the issue can become more of a bigger problem than the T-Squad spam.

You don’t have to pretend that the person isn’t there, but you shouldn’t always expect replies from people either.


i cant reply to the person at all, on any of my chars or they get upset. so i read something they say and have to pretend its not there, even if i really wanna respond. ah well. its not terrible, just odd. i think they have a list of my chars on ignore but i dunno if they all are, so i’m stuck not being able to reply to their posts. i mean i could ignore them too but i have made a point of not flagging or ignoring others

If the person is getting upset, then let them. There is no rules on where you can post or who you can reply too.


theyve been doing this since the btags topic. it’s the same song and dance every single time. take a guess how many times lilithia or ard has been ignored and them publically announcing it. the zombie literally writes novels in which ppl continuously say “tldr. no one cares.” instead of actually ignoring them like they claim to have 3400 times. ard would go offline for some reason and people make assumptions and hopes hes banned…over an opinion abt these dumb forums? lmaoooo.

lol ive just been watching tbh. im neither here or there anymore bc w/e i say im the devil bc im on a classic character. lol like a social experiment or something.

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they have asked me not to, so i dont. they view my interactions with them as harrasment

What they view it as, and what Blizzard will see it as, is apples and oranges. Remember, Blizzard has certain policies that they’ll view things as, not the player.


well i’m not willing to be mean about it. if i upset them, i’ll just try really hard to avoid responding. its. just . difficult. lol

They’re like a train wreck.
You know you shouldn’t look but you can’t help it

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probably only solve. just zoom really fast passed the post and not read it

All the good it would do as that person has repeatedly talked about how they like to switch characters to bypass ignores.


I don’t recall saying that.

Wasn’t talking about you there.


In his world… it’s always about him…
but… as Dr. Guttshredda likes to say:


Account-wide ignores would eliminate ALL of that.

Daily support for account wide ignores, flags, likes, trust levels, total post counts.


it wouldnt for the person being ignored as they can still see posts from the person who ignored them. and if the ignorer has forum friends who didnt ignore the person, they can stir up the pot on the ignorer’s behalf, resulting in the ignored person being forced into silence. if i were to respond to posts made by the person who ignored me, their compadre’s would inform the ignorer and i’d be accused of harassment despite the ignore

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I mean imo if someone tells me they are ignoring me or no longer wish to engage with me I just don’t interact with them if I don’t also ignore them back.

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