Can we get account wide ignore?

No doubt there is a common denominator. I feel like if they didn’t keep getting nibbles they’d go somewhere else. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I have had Ard ignored for a long time so unless someone else quotes him I never see any of his posts but if he wants to help keep this topic alive and at the top of the forums by having the most posts in the thread by all means he can be our strongest supporter and the people that respond to his nonsense with logic just add more replies as well so it’s a good thing in the long run.


A lot of the trolls on GD get responses from those who haven’t put them on ignore. Which makes sense when you think about it. Occasionally someone will respond to someone who is responding to such a troll to inform they should use the ignore function.

Apart from that, it’s quite rare for someone to respond to someone who is on their ignore list.

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If I want to oppose account-wide ignores then I can and will.

You can’t stop me or convince me otherwise.

I mean, is it though :eyes:

I’m just talking about this particular thread and with these two particular people. I’ve been back and forth with them before and don’t agree with anything they say or their position but haven’t had them on ignore for a while. When I did I just chose not to respond. I was mostly commenting on the absurdity of regularly engaging with and acknowledging someone in this thread while simultaneously announcing that they are being ignored. :rofl:

Well that’s different. If someone is announcing that they’re putting someone on ignore and then proceeds to continually respond to said same person, then that’s just silly.


Dude, nobody is trying to stop you, or convince you of anything. They’re just real tired of your willful ‘obtuseness’.


Actually it was in response to them being quoted by someone else and letting them know not to directly reply to us because we wouldn’t see it unless some one was to quote their reply to us.

Although all the responses they get is a good way to disprove their theory that somehow account wide ignores would be able to completely lock out people from participating in the forums due to EVERYONE ignoring them


Pretty sure there are a fair amount that have me ignored. I can still freely post threads, post in threads. It’s almost like that argument is completely invalidated by rational, normal thought processes.


Or a vague understanding on how humans behave


Sorry, this isn’t directed at everyone here, but I feel like if you have to inform everyone that your post is logical and rational, it’s probably not. Just from an outside looking in perspective. :man_shrugging:

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Woah. Take your reasonable logic and get outta here! :exploding_head:


Have you seen the arguments being made fun of here?

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Yes. I participated in this thread quite often months ago (because this god forsaken thread has been up for months) and stepped back because the conversation ran its course long long ago imo. It’s the same circular arguments then as it is now except the ad hominem has taken a bizarre turn.

I know, I know. Logic isn’t allowed on the GD forums. My bad. :dracthyr_cry_animated:


They just can’t accept any other perspective that isn’t theirs.

If they could then they wouldn’t need to tell everyone else about it.

Well, to be fair, most people, including you and I, did not come to the forums for our minds to be changed. I know it to be true and I’ve seen you say it yourself. Which is why I don’t understand why people are willing to argue endlessly instead of just agreeing to disagree. But some things are not for me to understand I guess!


I can only guess it has something to do with past experiences where other trolls derailed their threads.