Can we get account wide ignore?

Being ignored doesn’t prevent you from looking at peoples post or prevent you from posting. That’s not what we are asking for, we want the ability to ignore the player, NOT the particular character on the wow forums, bring it inline with the other Blizzard forums.


I would hope not .

Lil is not this innocent person she pretends to be . She has stated in the past that she should be able to get around the ignores of people she has been pretty much toxic to just so she can make them think she is someone else.

This is not about ignoring people we don’t agree with or possibly don’t like . It is about being able to ignore people we find highly toxic and or do not want to have legitimate conversations.

This about our right to our peace which over rides anyones belief that they have the right to be heard by everyone else.

The only people we have the right to be heard by are those that choose to do so .

THere is no free speech protection guarantee in here because these forums are not a part of any government entity so therefore no requirement by it’s users to recognize or acknowledge what others may say if they choose to not do so .


I am aware. I’ve been a part of this discussion in the past. It just warrants being said.

Lilithia might be a moron, dunno, but on that point I agree with her. I can just disagree with all the rest of her inane nonsense, if need be.

More lies.

Oh look…

Ard brought a big bowl of word salad to the Thanksgiving potluck.

More rules isn’t the solution to people not following the rules. Stiffer penalties would help a little, but also wouldn’t solve the problem. Murder is illegal, and even with the threat of the death penalty, murders still happen.


…And you cannot simply just…not reply to them? I’m sorry I must be missing something here. What compels to respond to such “high toxic” individuals?

So tell me, who is forcing you to reply to them?

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Yes we can not reply to them but we are saying " We don’t want to see them any more "

Well now you are probably going to go "Well then mute the thread then "

Why should we have to . There may be others in the thread we are willing to communicate with .

Now I’m curious about whose alt you belong to seeing that you are on a low level Classic toon with minimal posts .


That is not the argument and request we are making.

Some people, and a few have claimed to do so, do CIRCUMVENT the forum ignore to attack and troll. All we are asking for is to be able to ignore the Player, not the individual character they post on.

As for replying to them, I don’t when they are ignored.


That is a more complex issue.

Just bake some form of accountability into the forums. It takes moderators hours to take down a blatantly racist thread, so they may as well let people do soft self-moderation via account wide ignores and identifying people who post on multiple characters just to troll.

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Sometime days… I have seen some rather nasty threads start on Thurday and go on til the middle of the following week.


We’re gonna see a lot of that this week. I expect the Sunday threads to start Wednesday evening and last right through the weekend.



I don’t think its a good idea to extend any kind of moderation power to the actual users on this forum.

Up to a good 12 posts of mine where flag piled simultaneously in this topic alone in just one evening.

For what it’s worth, I’m not taking anything personally when some dude told me to enjoy my lump of coal this Christmas I was just lol.

Tbh most of my life is quite good at the moment, the internet though is still a bit of an issue, as finding the balance between wanting to protect people’s right to be as anonymous and privacy as much as possible, while also saying that certain rules online need to be respected is hard.

I just think too many people these days like to gossip to try and ruin people’s reputation, and this isn’t a conspiracy theory. Especially not in competitive environments, which is what WoW is these days.

I think you misunderstand what I mean by self-moderation.

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And what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

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Oh he knows what you meant. He does that on purpose, he will misconstrue any post and sometime flat out lie. He’s trying to get the thread shutdown, for what reason, I have no idea.

I wouldn’t start a dialog with him, just saying.


As long as any identification theoretically in question is done purely through Blizzards end.

It wouldn’t foster a good image of the community if users went around witch hunting each other after all.
