Can we get account wide ignore?

Just had to be here for the new startup of the battletags on the forums battle.

Oh …

Sorry I forgot I said that. I just had a little more to say, but I think I’m done and said everything now.

Which is why the CoC should be modified to include more tighter controls that don’t allow for posters to be antagonistic towards one another in any way shape or form, in circumstances where the conversation is more grey than one sided in terms of whose more blatantly crossing the terms of the CoC.

Account wide ignores is just putting another layer over an already rotted core of player feedback, while allowing for the formation of further divide and factions among posters.

No it’s not. if the poster has a history (such as you), I don’t wanna hear squat from you.

Also, I thought you wasn’t coming back for a few months…


So much for a month or two of peace.


It doesn’t look like you want peace if you keep replying.

This is meant to be a discussion of the merits and/or problems of account-wide ignore. Can we just hear what an actual problem (preferably with an attached thought experiment) would be?

The more things stay the same, the more they stay the same. Or something like that.

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This is only true for opinions where the worth hasn’t yet been established or verified. Most of the ones that warrant an ignore, are those which have repeatedly proven to be objectively worthless.


oh come on we all know Lil falls under the category of “First liar doesn’t stand a chance”

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Is it ?

You act like you have a right to be heard by everyone but you don’t no one does. We only have the right to be heard by those that choose to do so.

No matter the person or reasoning for them not listening to a certain person or persons is their reason and that is all that matters.


has anyone tried ignoring her and see what happens?

Why would you want to ignore people?

As she’s said a few times already, if she feels entitled to it, she’ll exploit the current forum system and make a new character to force other people to listen to her even if they’ve decided she’s not worth it.


Well if she insists … let her … she can make the case for us why it’s needed. Let her be our proof.


Funny when some level 70 kills you leveling in Warmode before you can even see where the attack is coming from and then logs onto an alliance alt and says you suck.

This made me laugh, the intelligence of some people can’t even fill a thimble lol

Well unfortunately when you post your ideas on any form of social media, you are going to upset some people.

But I’ve learned a valuable lesson this year, that if you stick to your convictions and argue your case, if your argument does have validity, in the end, truth will always win through.

Um yeah that’s why I returned briefly, just to respond to people’s final points. I really should take a break though with Christmas coming up and all, I felt bad when I got into arguments with people on the wow forum during the festive season, and Christmas is meant to be a time of love and joy.

Mind you a lot of people have been getting drunk and causing a ruckus I suppose…

Well this is basically because this is how my brain works…

-People are no longer listening to the argument as they decide they don’t like me

-Ergo, if I want the argument itself to be judged on its own merit, the logical response is to change alts where I have privacy, that way people can judge purely the content of what’s being said.

You know…I hate churches these days. But they were right about one thing, as much as possible you should attack the ideas…not the individual person.

It’s a bit of a dichotomy though isn’t it, because in reality if I have a more personal relationship with someone whether it be a real life friend, work colleague or whatnot, I find for some reason they are more willing to listen to what I have to say, but strangers online who don’t know me, are much quicker to block/ignore, judge and ditch. I think that’s just human though.

If account wide ignore goes through and the yes camp on this issue wins, it might not necessarily be a bad thing, as I do admit it’s easier to say things online when you’re anonymous online or having a bad day, back in the day I just used to gank low level PVP toons to make myself feel better, but ever since they made PVP fairer with warmode, it’s taken the fun right out of it.

For what it’s worth, I actually understand your lack of willingness to forgive people, I remember I was once asked what I would do if I was God, can’t deny that there aren’t a few people that wronged me that I’d be more than happy to throw into the hellfire, so I get it…you don’t want to forgive, you want to block/ignore and move on…that’s fine. I have no issue with that.

What is disappointing though is when an argument on a discussion forum is not judged on its own merit, there are people in this world I absolutely despise, but if I feel what they are saying has validity, I’m happy to let them know.

Anyway…I think that’s it from me. Have a good Christmas everyone.

And that is why we ignore them. On Facebook/Twitter/X, it’s called being blocked.

Enjoy your coal…


This is what it really boils down to. A tailored experience.

I’m personally of a similar mind to Lilithia, that there isn’t much point to being on the forums if you just block everyone you disagree with or dislike, but I also understand that it’s a choice I can make myself not to block people.

And if people block me, what ever. So long as that block doesn’t prevent me from seeing their messages.

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yes and let’s just say it wasn’t very pleasant folks like this in our community as long az they have the means to do whatever they want with a level of anonymity they will