Can we get account wide ignore?

… furries are cool tho.



Hey I played one last expansion in game and in here .


I remember that Vulpera I thought he was super cool, so it’s pretty cool to learn it was you. :smiling_face: :smiling_face: :smiling_face:

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Yeah when DF came I decided to go back to my long time main Veidmann/Weidmann .

THe change to Veid came when my guild did a server change and Weid was already taken and I couldn’t use the Waid version of the name so I decided I would go with how it’s pronounced in German.

Veidmann ( Vide Mann)


Holy hell. 1k+ post. Guessing our friends are constantly bumping the post not wanting it to die

It’ll probably get shut down soon.

Mods won’t want to constantly deal with the flagging happening here.

They are the biggest supporters to account wide ignores. They just don’t want to admit it.


You sure seem to think you know the minds of the devs and mods, don’t you.


I’m still not quite sure why we hate the idea of account wide ignore. I think it had something to do with church and Jesus hates the idea? Maybe I dreamed about that. I can’t wait to account wide ignore a couple people in this thread though.

Probably think that all we do is scour the forums looking at each post trying to find their alt that they’ve done some nasty thing because we have nothing better to do

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There you go, talking out of both sides of your mouth again, and still not saying anything of substance.

“They’ll probably shut the thread down.”

“They’ll probably just ignore the thread.”


You seem to be doing a good job of making it up for me.

Thank you for you support in account wide ignores Ard. We love your support in a positive change for the forums.


My first post in case you need a reminder.

Once again, thank you for the support in a positive change for the forums.

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It doesn’t need to be an either-or situation, and I’m not sure why you seem to think it does. They can add and improve tools for the user AND update the rules AND beef up enforcement.

In fact, I would be ecstatic if they did.

Well we ultimately don’t know.

I’d only speculate that it wouldn’t be worth their time, money or effort.

Dude… zip it. You have been saying this the entire time this thread has been active, and the part of the few that have been running their mouths.

And yet, you still won’t acknowledge that:

Being ignored doesn’t impede your ability from to post on the forums.

We want to ignore people whole accounts, not ban you from posting. There is a big difference.

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I find this hard to believe after the blanket of flag messages I just got in the last few minutes.