Can we get account wide ignore?

No, just confirming that you’re the other guy who just left since you came in, with no post history, on a classic toon too btw, to try and hide yourself to pretend to be someone else.

Think people here are stupid?


go read what i said and then the post from naughtymoon unless you have proof i’m another person then that’s straight up paranoia so i have popcorn in hand for this

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No, the paranoia that prompted the very first post you made here.

oh the dragonkin and the vulpera being different people how are you guys even finding this out? and this is not my 1st post for some reason my main toon isnt in the list.

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It is just déjà vu over again. Had similar things with previous threads, and the same thing with this thread.

One person leaves with a new low level toon with no post history to join.

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Apparently they got offended I asked if they are the Dracthyr Evoker that supposedly left the thread, who knew asking a question meant it’s paranoia because legit it was a fair question due to them having zero posts, classic alt, liking their own posts potentially, it fits the normal for those types.


im not offended, you asked me if i was them and i said no. now youre just projecting. like what more did you want me to say? are you offended im not who you think i am?


Look at me, I’m new :rofl:

jokes. ~ Ayukama


I do it all the time, I’m still here.

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You’re a nobody :purple_heart:

Your doing it wrong.

This is right.

Hi, I’m new. :rofl:

or posting on a classic 55 dk fresh or level 10 AR.


Ugh, damn it Forums. “Can’t post a YouTube link” strikes again!


No fair because all of my characters are 70’s in retail and Warlocks minus my Evoker wildcard character. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Legit if I ever post on one of my alts everyone just pretend you don’t know it’s me, lol. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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still waiting, what did you want me to say exactly here? please don’t start making assumptions about people if you can’t back it up. mkay?

I find this impossible to do. :stuck_out_tongue:

My priest is the lowest I can post from. The lowest I have is level 8, which is below the requirement to post from.

I couldn’t help myself, but it was to make a point.

I’m thinking about deleting the character anyways, because I don’t like the name.

Wish Alliance had skinny Kul’Tiran, I would roll a Kul’Tiran shaman then.

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I used to be same way but then I realized I enjoy Warlocks more than anything so I decided rather than pay for race changes left and right just to make a Warlock army so only differences are races and faction kind of like just changing the characters skin in other games.

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ok since moon cant prove anything this goes to show how paranoid people are on here woof. crazy thread indeed.