Can we get account wide ignore?

When you hopped into the thread originally being all high and mighty about how people can’t ignore right or whatever

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Me? Do you think my feelings were hurt? Friend, you just aren’t that significant.

I just started posting today on this topic, the hell? Lol.

Apologies, the way you went on about it I thought I hurt you.


You see that flag at the bottom of their post?

I already flagged it but 2 others need to flag too so a lot of things get under the cracks. I seen someone tell someone to go k-- themselves and it was never reported fully. I was the only one and it was sad.

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They throw off that one rule for thee another or no rule for me type vibe

One flag is all that’s necessary. More flags just get it looked at faster.

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That’s it. Flagging time. I find your post, offensive.

It is the little blue flag, not just “flag”. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I didn’t know that but thanks. Ok I’m gone for real.
I’ll pray for you all tonight since some may need it lol.
Take care.

This was a good one and you may be right.
In the world we live in and with this sad topic is indication, every man for themselves lol.


Save your breath. You may need it more.


first post was 20 hours ago, while technically still today since I went to bed after that, that’s last night to me.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I just can’t even not laugh…

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Oh god, now you’re bully toxic harassment’ing him

This thread is a cult!

20 hours ago is yesterday for me too.

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Other Blizzard forums have account wide ignore, nothing wrong with WoW forums to include this feature.

Bypassing ignores shouldn’t be a thing here and I hope it’s brought up at Blizz Con.

And ban classic characters from retail forums and give classic their own forums.


Or BTags even, so every forum thing that shouldn’t be allowed, can’t happen anyways.

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I’d prefer a pink flag but yeah and yeah random to add that but legit I would prefer pink everything so. :yum: :yum: :yum:


See, I never knew that about you. Learn something new everyday


I wish we could change the colours of every button we see. Customize our buttons colours.

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